Chapter 3

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Once we'd arrived back inside, each house split as usual to go back to their dorms for a break between classes. I, on the other hand, had a free period right now, so it was now in my best interest to get back to my room as quickly as possible to avoid any further distractions (and to make up for the work I deterred from because of a certain 'distraction').

Hermoine had stayed glued to my side the whole way in, seemingly reciting every textbook she'd every laid eyes upon, although my attention span was fixated on anything but her know how, but I managed to croak out a few approving, acknowledging sighs and a nod here and there if it felt necessary.

She'd noticed my dire attempt to sound interest when really I wasn't, but she cared not and continued to cantillate countless verses from books that sound even less interesting than my great grandparents.

My breathing was erratic, and I was desperately trying to grip hold of any confidence that I had had a few minutes before, but it had definitely vanished. I fiddled with my robe the whole way inside, chewing on my lip every time I felt his footsteps come too close for comfort, or anytime he'd step on another twig and it's snap would send a ripple through me impulsively.

I shifted uneasily when we came to an abrupt halt just before re-entering the grand building once again, feeling the heat radiate off his body due to his extreme closeness.

The universe was definitely mocking me today. I'm convinced.

I try to ignore the panic shooting through my body when I hear Draco clear his throat from close behind me, almost positive that the words about to leave his mouth were going to be the plot of my death.

I swiftly turned to Hermoine, shuffling around and raising a brow as I looked at her wondering eyes, desperate to catch her attention silently to avoid Draco noticing my stalling, but she was no use. Her head was plummeted down into one of the textbooks we'd been handed before the class had made their way outside, although I had obviously missed the opportunity to grab one and it would've be extremely an useful form of distraction in this situation, but this was clearly fate toying with me once again.

Fuck you, universe.

Realising my defeat, I slowly circled my head back around to its original position, sucking in harsh breaths and flaring my nostrils as I tried to form some sort of thick skin to prevent whatever Draco had to threatened me with next from getting to me.

I'd managed to fit in a few harsh swallows to clear my croaky throat that had been of no use for the period in which Hermoine was swanking about before my ears were encountered with the his cynical voice wrapped in pleasure and although his face wasn't within my perception, his impish tone set butterfly's flying in my gut.

He hovered his head above my shoulder, and my breathing shallowed as I hear his tongue start to disapprovingly click. 'Very skittish today, aren't you, Mudblood?' He laughed lowly, his voice deepening with each word, my body jolting as I realise how close to home his words hit, and I shrink from under him.

Surely he didn't... he couldn't...I wasn't even sure if...never mind.

'Points for bravery earlier, I have to say it was completely unexpected,' he continued, his head closening to my ear as he sucked a breathe in to finish his point, the goosebumps embedding on my skin at the closeness of him. I could feel his grin against my neck and I had no idea whether to be frightened or intimidated.

'But you should know, that was probably the biggest mistake you've ever made in your life, darling.'

My entire body tensed, feeling him slowly lift his body weight off me, encouraging and allowing my body to straighten and relax again,  but I'd completely forgotten how to function. I let out a shallow breath, although I'm unsure if it had managed to escape out my throat. I found comfort in reaching for my hair, twirling it around my finger instantly to hopefully draw the attention away from my timorous-stricken physique.

I didn't dare glance back. I could already see the malice look dancing across his face in satisfaction that he'd succeeded in making me nervous.

But I wasn't going to let him win.

Hermoine had missed the entire encounter. Her previous conversation faded as her laugh drifted as her head turned to meet with mine again. The corners of her mouth fell, her brows slouching as she circled her head side on with mine, flicking her eyes between my wondering own and my anxious hair-twirling habit. Realising my attention wasn't going to be drawn so easily, she gave my arm an uneasy shake to try and bring me back to reality.

How the tables had turned.

My fingers paused around my strands of hair, caring not for how knotted it would now be once I released it. I darted my head towards hers, acting completely oblivious and unbothered about my embarkment beforehand.

She creased her eyes at my lost expression and raised an eyebrow to encourage me to explain what world I had been in for a slight second. I managed to twitch the coroners of my mouth upwards to give her some sort of assurance, buts she didn't settle for the less.

A titter from behind caused Hermoine to snap her head back. I broadened my shoulders, the scoff sounding all too familiar. He'd noticed my vulnerability and I think my stomach just about fell out of my ass when I realised this could be the final piece of the puzzle to link Draco with my story from earlier.

However, luck had finally landed in my favour.

I take back my cussing from earlier, universe.

Hermoine rolled her eyes at Draco's immaturity, disallowing herself from wasting any energy on him. She sighed, nudging my shoulder playfully in hope of removing the fretful expression from my face.

'If you ever feel things couldn't get worse,' she began, assuming my agitation had come from something completely unrelated to Draco,
'Remind yourself that they could.'

I turn to face her, lifting my head to hers for the first time. I was unable to hide the bewildered look on my face, lowering my face slightly as if to say 'what the fuck are you rambling about now, Hermoine?'

'At least he wasn't the boy you were talking about earlier.'


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