Chapter 4

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The corridor was undoubtably longer than usual once inside, especially walking alone. Hermione had broken off to join Harry and Ron, and I was headed towards my temporary Ravenclaw dorm.

I could hear hustle and bustle from behind me, the footsteps of every other student in Hogwarts suddenly sounding like his own; Draco's.

I was noticeably pacing now, but I couldn't help it. I could tell how literal Draco's words were, and he would certainly follow through with a plan if he had one.

Remind me next time I have a spark of confidence to just push it back down inside me again, because it seemingly knows how to  press all the wrong buttons.

I could sense my loneliness as the footsteps behind me faded, and my paranoia was starting to get the best of me. 'Why would you even test a Slytherin? You've been told to never mess with Slytherin's, how could you be so foolish?' I scowled at myself softly, knowing full well due to my past circumstances it should be second nature to not test the patience of a Slytherin.

I focused my eyes on the grand double doors in front of me, trying to work out how long my strides would have to be to arrive at the doors within the next five seconds. Every nanosecond of time wasted was another opportunity for Draco to swoop in and give me a taste of my own bold medicine, and I had a feeling I wasn't going to like the taste.

Just thinking about his closeness from earlier was enough to slur my walking and awareness, the flashbacks of feeling one of the front-pieces of his delicate hair dangle across the side of my face was enough to make my cheeks flush a deep red and I almost felt guilty for thinking about it again.

The smell of his cologne was still preventing any of Hogwarts typical day-to-day smells from entering my nostrils. The dampness of the corridors usually caused me to choke up and a suffocation-like prevention in my nostrils never failed to make my face screw up. The complete daze I was transported into every time I inhaled was confirmation the smell was still lingering, still dominating my senses.

I violently shook my head (a little too hard), causing me to slow my rash pace for a split second as I waited for my eyes to un blur and focus on my small but mighty goal; beyond the doors.

I pushed through the doors with my free arm, my wand firmly gripped in my right hand as a last piece of reassurance that I wasn't completely alone and a sitting target.

The contrast in light between the previous corridor and this one was such an unfamiliar change that even the whiteness of the corridor walls failed to brighten and enhance the trail.

Every classroom window alongs the corridor had the blinds sealing away all that lay within, including the beams of sunlight which usually escaped through the openings of the untitled blinds, which was unusual for this time of day, however I decided to shrug it off by just assuming that those specific classrooms had come off timetable for the day.

The dull, unsettling atmosphere sat uncomfortably inside of me, so I decided to focus my eyes down towards my shoes and their undone laces that dragged across the polished floors, so polished that my timid expression stared back at me, and I was unaware I was chewing my lip until I had spotted it in my reflection.

My uptight physique slowly started to relax when I realised I was moments from being out of the woods. The final set of overly ornate doors mocked how so close yet so far I had come, when a cold hand firmed around my shoulder, spinning me around to face my confronter.

Where the fuck did this even person come from?

Before I could even do so much as glance at the unknown capturer, I was spun clockwise furthermore so as my back was pressed against them, and we were now facing the classroom in front of me.

Draco's exception (A Draco Malfoy love story)Where stories live. Discover now