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"You guys ready for this trip?" Corbyn asked as he put an arm around Zach. 

Daniel grinned. "Absolutely," he said as he pulled one last suitcase into the van. 

"Guys, you're going into a helicopter. Not a jet. Calm down with the luggage," Jonah laughed. 

"We only have three suitcases among the five of us. That's hardly anything," Zach said. 

Jack honked the horn. "Get in here!" 

The boys got into the car and headed to the airfield. After loading the luggage into the helicopter the boys got in. Jack went to the front. "What kind of engine?" 

Zach laughed. "Typical Jack," he mumbled. 

As the flight went on the boys were exhausted. Jonah rested on Daniel's shoulder as they watched videos. "I love how our fans come up with these edits," Jonah laughed. 

Zach frowned. "How are you getting wifi?" 

"I downloaded it before the flight," Daniel replied. 

Corbyn nudged Zach's shoulder. "Look. Someone wants Zorbyn to be official." 

"It's already official we just haven't told them yet," Zach laughed. 

Eventually all the boys fell asleep. Several hours later, however, Corbyn woke up when the helicopter vibrated. "What the hell?" Jonah moaned as he sat up. 

The captain grabbed the transmitter. "This helicopter 760. We seem to be having engine failure. Are there places nearby to land?" 

Zach groaned as Jack shook him awake. "What's going on?" 

Corbyn looked out the window. "It's raining super hard." 

"Boys, something's wrong," the co-pilot stammered as calmly as possible. 

Before Daniel could respond there was a small explosion from where the co-pilot was sitting. The door disappeared and everyone froze in horror. Zach was wide-eyed as he looked at Corbyn. "What's happening?" 

Corbyn pulled his boyfriend close. "Shh don't look." 

"Mayday! Mayday! We're going down!" the captain yelled. 

The helicopter jerked and the captain seemed to go limp. Jonah looked at Daniel. "So... who's flying the plane?" 

Jack, who had learned a little bit about flying planes quickly jumped out of his seat and hurried to the front. "Dani! Help me move this pilot!" 

Daniel ran over and pulled the pilot away from the cockpit and put him in a seat. Jack got in the cockpit and put on the headset. Looking at the controls, he realized they were similar to smaller planes. "Mayday! We're going down! The pilots are unresponsive." 

"I can't hear you," the person on the other end of the transmitter said. "Did you say pilots are unresponsive?" 

"We're going down!" Jack yelled into the transmitter as he looked to his left to see the ocean getting closer. "One engine has died." 

Jonah's eyes widened as he looked out the window. "Brace yourselves boys!" 

The boys quickly got into the emergency landing position, not knowing what to do in helicopters. 

Jack pulled the controls to straighten out the helicopter but it was too late. The helicopter hit the water with a loud crash and seemed to skid until it hit a bunch of rocks. Everyone sat around in silence for a second trying to process what had just happened. Daniel walked over to where the captain was. "Sir?" 

There was no response. Daniel felt for a pulse. Nothing. His hands came back bloody. Daniel gasped when he saw the huge gash on the back of the captain's head. "He's..." 

"Where's the co-pilot?" Jonah asked, shakily getting up. 

Jack shook his head and walked to the back. "We're on our own." 

Corbyn looked around and found a small storage area. "Jon." 

Jonah grabbed the rafts and inflated it. He tied it to the door and threw it outside. Jack grabbed Daniel and pushed him onto the raft. Jonah collapsed the pain in his leg getting to much as the adrenaline rush left. The helicopter began to tilt into the water. Jack quickly grabbed a first aid kit and one of the smaller suitcases. He tossed it into the raft, just as the helicopter fell into the water. Corbyn and Jack quickly jumped into the raft. Jack began to untie the raft from the aircraft when Corbyn gasped. "Where's Zach?" 

"Oh no!" Jack stammered. 

Corbyn dove into the water and grabbed the landing skids which were partially out of water. "No! You'll never make it!" Jack yelled. 

Corbyn crawled into the helicopter and spotted Zach unconscious at the other end. Corbyn looked down. The water was at his chest. He hurried to Zach and grabbed him. 

Jack watched in horror as the helicopter fully submerged. He looked behind him and saw Daniel and Jonah still weak on the ground. 

Corbyn's head appeared as he gasped for breath. "Help!" 

Jack grabbed Zach and pulled him into the raft. He then grabbed Corbyn and helped him. Corbyn went limp in Jack's arms. Jack untied the raft and collapsed.

Our boys are growing so much

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Our boys are growing so much. Aww look at them 🥰

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I don't know much about helicopters haha. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this

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