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Corbyn woke up to Zach crying. He sat up. "Hey buddy, what's wrong?"

"It hurts so bad. I can't take it anymore Corbyn. I can't take it. We have to get out of here," Zach sobbed.

Corbyn nodded and hugged Zach. "I know you want to get out of here Z but we really have to keep our cool. Today Jack and I are starting out on finding a way to get out of here," he said gently.

"You're leaving?" Zach moaned.

"To get help. I'll be back," Corbyn explained.

Zach nodded, closing his eyes. "M'kay..." he murmured dozing off.

Jack walked over with a rope over his shoulder and first aid kit. "You ready to go?" He asked.

"Yeah. Let's go," Corbyn replied giving Zach a kiss on the cheek. "Bye love. I'll be back."

Daniel hugged Corbyn and Jack. "Good luck out there guys."

"Yeah..." Jonah said gently. "Wish we could help."

"Just keep Zach alive so that we make it. Daniel take care of that arm. Jonah, your leg. We're going to be back as soon as possible," Jack said.

Jonah nodded lazily. "Dani, we gotta find food and water soon..." he moaned.

Daniel nodded. "I'll go look and see what I can find. Give me an hour at most."

Jonah nodded weakly. "I'll stay here and keep an eye on Z."

Several hours passed and Corbyn took a seat. Jack joined him and looked around. "Do you think we'll ever get out of here?" He asked.

Corbyn shrugged. "I really don't know. We're nowhere near where people can find us. This island goes on for miles. How will they find us? We're in the middle of nowhere. It's not like we can split up."

Jack looked into the distance thoughtfully. "Well..." he muttered

Corbyn frowned. "Well what?"

Jack shook his head. "It's a stupid idea."

"Avery nothing is stupid at this point. Tell me," Corbyn sighed.

Jack got to his feet. "Nevermind. Let's just go."

"Jack are you feeling okay?" Corbyn asked after another few hours.

"Yeah... why wouldn't I be?" Jack mumbled.

Corbyn looked worriedly at his bandmate. "You don't look okay. You look pale."

Jack shrugged. "We can keep going. I'm fine."

The truth was Jack felt awful. His head was pounding and everything was starting to spin. A wave of nausea hit him and he winced. He gave a small groan and Corbyn turned around. "Jack... we can sit down and rest if you need to."

"We can try to get a little further," Jack replied.

Corbyn was starting to get skeptical. "I don't know..." he muttered.

Jack gagged and doubled over but nothing came up. Corbyn hurried over to him. "Hey buddy. Nothings gonna come up. You have nothing in your system," he said gently.

Jack moaned. "I feel so sick though."

"I know. I'm sorry. Just try and breathe," Corbyn said sympathetically.

After a few minutes Zach seemed to finally calm down but he looked a lot worse. Corbyn pulled off his shirt and removed the hoodie from his waist. After wrapping them in a ball he had Jack lay down and rest his head on it. "Alright... stay here. I'm gonna go look around and see if there's food or water anywhere."

Jack nodded muttering something unintelligible before falling asleep.

Daniel walked past some trees and noticed some berries. He walked over to them but noticed they didn't look like normal berries. Not wanting to risk anything he moved on. Giving up on food he decided to look for water. It didn't take him long to realize that the only water they had was salt water which wouldn't be helpful. He started back towards where he had left Jonah and Zach. He heard something and looked up. Something was flying towards the island. As it got closer he realized it was a helicopter. Excited, he looked around and found a place he could climb to get higher. He ran to ledge and quickly climbed up to it. "HELP! WE'RE HERE!" he screamed waving his arms.

It was pointless. The helicopter passed right over him. Tears filled Daniel's eyes but he kept it together slowly making his way to Jonah and Zach.

Jonah was trying to console Zach who had just woken up and was screaming in pain. Zach had tried to sit up forgetting about his shattered bones. "Shhh. You're okay Z. Please calm down."

"Jon it hurts so bad..." Zach sobbed.

Jonah hugged Zach. He hummed one of their songs until he fell asleep. Daniel walked around the corner looking discouraged. Jonah sighed. "No luck?" He asked still stroking Zach's hair.

Daniel shook his head. "The helicopter didn't even see me. It's not looking good. How is Zach?"

"He's in so much pain. We'll eventually have to force him to stay awake if help doesn't come soon. We don't want him to not wake up and he looks like he's getting to that point," Jonah sighed.

Daniel curled up next to Jonah. "Now it's cold..." he mumbled. "Corbyn and Jack still aren't back?"

Jonah put his available arm around Daniel. "No. Let's not panic though."

"I'm too tired to panic.." Daniel murmured in a barely audible voice and fell asleep.

Jonah smiled sleepily and eventually fell asleep too.

It was starting to get dark so Corbyn began heading towards where he'd left Jack. Thunder sounded in the distance and he realized they had no shelter from the rain that was likely to come soon. He started moving faster and finally saw Jack. Something seemed off but he was too tired to tell what exactly was wrong. He collapsed next to Jack. "I'm back," he mumbled.

"Mhm," Jack moaned in response.

The boys didn't even notice when the rain started. They were too exhausted to move anymore and didn't care what happened.

Awwwww look at Jack.  Started a fan account on insta. It is: bessons_lane. So I edited the photo myself. Like it?
Omg the Jingle Ball preshow and Lotus Inn mv and their 30 Days with Why Don't We and leaking Be Myself and Stay and Jack talking about anxiety. Whew... what a week it's been. AND THEY LEAKED THAT THEY MAY BE RELEASING A NEW SONG!!!
Okay I know I didn't end this chapter the best but I've been working a bit with someone else on what should possibly happen next. Love you guys and thanks so much for the 1.03k!!! Stay safe ♥️

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