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Nobody was ever going to believe what was happening. For the first time Ravenclaw made it to the finals for the quidditch cup in Hogwarts. Nobody really saw that one coming due to the fact that there was a big test on potions tomorrow and well...the Ravenclaws were always expected to leave everything behind when it came to studying. But not this time. It was them against Gryffindor. The final match. The wnner who get the quidditch cup back to their common room to admire it. But no Ravenclaw would get their hopes up, especially when it came to winning the quidditch cup. The gryffindors would always win everything, and it had nothing to do with Gryffindor being the headmasters favorite house that he would always favor whenever he had the chance.

But this time the Ravenclaw quidditch team actually thought they would win. Of course, the head of the house didn't want to ruin their hopes so he wouldn't dare to say anything demeaning to them. He would always smile and nod when it came to the quidditch games. The leader of the team, Artimus Ogletrea, was always full of faith that this time they would win. In other words, Artimus was the only one left with the certainty that they would win. And he would give the same feeling to his teammates everytime he would make a speech before practice. His eyes would glow and his smile would widen whenever he would talk about quidditch or his teammates. It was like his entire life was quidditch.

Artimus was considered as one of the most handsome men in Hogwarts. His green eyes and brown hair which were always parted perfectly in the middle would make both boys and girls drool. His perfectly sharp jawline and his beautiful smile would always give him a spot in every picture that was taken in Hogwarts. His deep and husky voice would always be an excuse to read out loud at the library with everyone listening to him. He was everyone's favorite student and everyone wanted to be his friend. But nobody knew anything about who he liked. Who did his heart belong to? Nobody knew except from him and well...the thousands of love letters he was intending on sending to the woman he loved one day.

Lilith was a Ravenclaw student who couldn't care less about quidditch or winning the cup. She would only focus on reading. Now you may wonder, what was she always reading that it was so important to her? Some would say that she would be reading the same book over and over again but others would say that her parents would send her new books every week. She was quite obsessed with books you could say. One of her absolute favorites was Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier. She had read that book more than a thousand times. That and almost every Shakespeare play. Llilith was very popular among the students of Hogwarts but not because of her intelligence or her dedication to her classes. She was known to be one of the prettiest girls at school. Her long wavy dirty blonde hair and her light brown eyes would make her one of the prettiest girls in Hogwarts. She knew that that was the only reason she was popular and that hurt her inside ' how can people only see the outside and never the inside ' she would always say to herself. But the reputation she had for her beauty was much more different than the one Artimus had. She would always face hate from other students, especially girls, and was always catcalled when she walked around. She wasn't admired like Artimus was. It was much more different and that saddened her.

Tom Riddle was one of the most handsome and smart students Hogwarts ever had. His dark hair and his dark eyes made him so mysterious yet so attractive to everyone. He would never speak much and never had many friends. He would always sit alone while everyone wanted to sit with him. It was an accomplishment if someone could talk to him for over a day. In quidditch, well...he didn't really enjoy it to be honest. He would rather sit inside Hogwarts and observe or go for a walk. Only one person managed to talk to him for two days and nobody saw her after that. Her name was Myrtle. She was quite ugly according to other students but Lilith never cared about looks. She always preferred a person's personality rather than looks. Tom always despised other famous people such as Artimus. But for some reason he never despised Lilith. He always looked at her during the quidditch matches or at the great hall when she was drifting away from this world and into her book with half a scone on her hand. Other Slytherins would notice that but never said a word out of fear for him hexing them. His few friends, or as he liked to call ' dear to him ' would sometimes ask him if he ever fancied anyone at school. His answer was always a no. After that no no more questions would be asked.

Lilith was always invited to everything but always refused to go. Her only friend , Cecilia , was a Hufflepuff who was just too shy to make any friends. Lilith's family introduced each other at Hogsmeade and they decided to be friends from the day they met. Cecilia was the cutest girl you would've ever seen. Her long curly auburn hair and her eyes of emerald green would always make her stand out. That and her irish accent of course. She would always have flowers in her hair. They would either get caught up in there or she would put them in there herself. Unlike Lilith, she was a very outgoing person. She would never hesitate to sing or dance or do anything that was considered ' inappropriate ' such as sex or kissing. She would also drink a lot of root beer which would occasionally end up in her hooking up with some Gryffindor or Hufflepuff. The Slytherins and the Ravenclaws would stay away from such things. They were never considered to be the romantic type. There were always exceptions but none of them was really into that stuff. The Slytherins had their clubs and the Ravenclaws had their books. That's how everything went every day of Hogwarts .

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