
248 7 0

Ist Position:

~ A Sticker
~ Addition of your book to our Gold reading list
~ A permanent follow from our page
~ Three covers for your books
~ Certificate
~ Shoutout on Discord and Wattpad

2nd Position:

~ A Sticker
~ Addition of your book to our silver reading list
~ A permanent follow form this account
~ Two covers for your books
~ Certificate
~ Shoutout on Discord and Wattpad

3rd Position:

~ A sticker
~ Addition of your book to our bronze reading list
~ A permanent follow from this account
~ A cover for your book
~ Certificate
~ Shoutout on Discord and Wattpad

How to claim your prizes: 

You will have to contact any of the admins of this awards for your Stickers, certificates, and a shoutout on discord and Wattpad. Your book will be added to the reading list and if it is not then please pm us on this account. 

For the graphic covers you need to go to the graphic shop of @arna8661 and place your order right over there. Please mention that you are a prize winner.

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