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The first position is secured by Siya Ke Ram, Kaurvaki ka Pyaar book written by BloomArcayna. A big congrats from our side!!

The Second position is bagged by Raghili, the book is written by mythooolover. Congratulations to you dear keep it up.

Last but not the least, the third position is clinched by The forgiveness that I seek which is written by shruthiravi13

And the participants you don't need to get disheartned just it will be better next time and don't forget to apply in the next edition of our awards which will be coming very soon. And Participants you are going to get a participating sticker too.

And the ones who haven't followed their judges till now are not going to get the prizes the position will be passed to the next participant.


Book: Sita: The pride of Mithila

By:  ruvyafanatic
Judge: Pooja1412
Cover - 8/10
Plot- 10/10
Character development -8/10
Flow - 10/10
Anticipation - 10/10
Creativity - 8/10
Enjoyment - 9/10
Language - 9/10
Total: 81/90
Review : The plot was really good The cover was amazing and it is really grab's the readers attention. The emotions are well Portrayed.The bond between the 4 sisters are showed very well. I find some parts should be clarified you directly went to arrangement of her marriage from her childhood days. I felt it would be better if you showed Sita's teenage days too.. Overall it is an amazing book .. I loved reading it.

Book: The Raghuvanshi Princess
By: 10000008wd
Judge: arna8661

Cover- 09/10
Title & Blurb - 10/10
 Plot - 08/10
Character Development: 09/10 
Flow: 08/10
Anticipation: 10/10
Creativity: 10/10
Enjoyment: 08/10
Language: 07/10
Total: 79/90
Review: The Book was good but it could have been better. Like there are some grammatical errors at some places that can be rectified. And Of course the book was your own creation and no work was copied I really liked that. The flow of events was a bit confusing (and I mean only a bit). I have read the whole book and it is really interseting. Don't stop writing you have the caliber to improve upon it. 

Book: Raghili
By: mythooolover
Judge: arna8661
Cover: 7/10
Title & Blurb: 09/10
Plot: 10/10
Character Develpoment: 10/10
Flow: 10/10
Anticipation: 10/10
Creativity: 10/10
Enjoyment: 10/10
Language: 08/10
Total: 84/90
Review: You book was first of its kind. I ahve never read such a good book before. The feelings, the expressions and everything was superb. But the point where you lost your marks was in Cover, The Blurb and the Language. The Cover was good but not very appealing according to such a good story. The Blurb could have been better, telling more about the story and less about yourself. The Language, I did not cut your points because you Hindi or something but because there were small Grammatical mistakes in almost every chapter that I read. That's it, the rest is perfect according to me.

Book : Siya Ke Ram, Kaurvaki ka Pyaar
Name: BloomArcayna
Judge: Pooja1412

 Cover - 10/10
 Title/Blurb - 9/10
Plot- 9/10
Character Development- 10/10
Flow- 9/10
Anticipation- 10/10
Creativity- 10/10
Enjoyment- 9.5/10
Language- 9/10
Total - 85.5/90
Review- Your writing skills are preety good I really adored it. The book leaves the reader hooked till the end. Your book cover is eye catchy. I like the way you start a chapter with a Quotes and the graphics used in that pictures are damn good. I would suggest you to say something clearly as some readers may get confused between Kaurvaki and Sita when they both are talked in between the same chapter that idea is so good. But I suggest you to say clearly. Overall it is an amazing book

Book: The forgiveness that I seek
Aurthor: shruthiravi13
Judge: Kalkispen 

Cover- 10/10
Title- 10/10
Plot- 9/10
Character Development: 9/10
Flow- 9/10 
Anticipation- 10/10
Creativity- 8/10
Enjoyment- 8/10
 Language- 9/10
Total : 82/90
Review: The language and the writing style is very impressive. The hesitation or guilt Lakshman had is beautifully potrayed . The epilogue is best which explained Ram succedded in making people realize Sita's purity and worth. And the tiltle matches exactly. All the best.

Book: Was it just Lakshman
By: Aditi_Shrivastava
Judge: Kalkispen

Cover- 10/10
Title- 10/ 10
 Plot- 9/10
Character Development- 9/10
Flow- 8/10
Anticipation- 9/10
Creativity- 8/10
Enjoyment- 8/10
Language- 9/10
Total: 80/90
Review: Loved the way the author picked the scenes and explained the ever admirable brotherly bond. The writing style and the flow are really good. The title made justification to the story. Amazing attempt. All the best

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