Judging Criteria

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The Judges have to judge the books according to the following criteria so do it accordingly no alteration will be allowed here, please read it carefully.

Cover - 10
Is the cover really attractive and pulls you to read the story?
Is it according to the story?
Is the color contrast just right?
Is the title and the name of the author clear?
Does the cover have any watermarks or any other thing?

Title & Blurb - 10
Is it connected to the  story?
Is it relevant?
How can you guess the story by the blurb and the title?

Plot - 10
Is the plot interesting?
Does it attract the reader?
Is the Plot progressive?
Is it written in a good style?

Character Development - 10
Is the main character of the story clear and well defined?
Can you imagine the character in your mind?
Is the character justified?
Does look like some real life character or is it too good to be true?

Flow - 10
Are the events of the story related or it it too complex to understand?

Anticipation - 10
After reading the first chapter would you want to go to the second chapter?
Or is it too boring to read further?
Rate it on a scale from 1 to 10.

Creativity - 10 
Is the story self imagined or copied?
Do you think it is very imaginative and can seldom be true?

Enjoyment - 10
Did you like the story? An over all review

Language - 10
Did you find too many grammatical errors? 
Or was it correct in the language used and the grammar part?

Did the participant give you a temporary follow? For the duration of the awards?

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