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They snatched my phone from my hands
and they typed something and I saw what they wrote

We were just speaking about you babe

And to answer your other question who won't miss a guy as hot as you.

I was so happy they haven't sent it yet and I told them or shouted at them
Are you mad if you guys had sent this...
and I told them I was not sending this and they just murmured something under their breath and I just said say that one more time and I was about to remove the message when my sister barged in my room and told me my mum is asking who left the fridge open and purred ice cream in the kitchen and I remembered I didn't clean the mess I made and I used my hand to slap my fore head for forgetting and I forgot my phone was in my hand and when I checked the phone I saw that the message had been sent and I immediately tried to delete it before he could see it but my mum screamed my name and I just panicked and ran down stair and my mom was like I told you not yo do this ever again and you still did just clean it up and go pls I don't like scolding it is just Axel told me everything and I don't know what to do,hearing those words from my mom I wanted to cry but I just embraced her and she did the same and we broke apart and I told her sorry she just nodded and went to her room  and I quickly just cleaned the kitchen and ran upstairs so fast I didn't even know I could run so fast and I thought I was going to fall but all I could think about was the text has he seen it what will he think of me and I barged into my room and I saw Emilia and rubby smirking evilly and I knew that he has seen it and I just fell on my bed with my face trying to think of what to say if he replies and I just heard a buzz sound and the look on my face was horrible I looked so horrified as if I just saw choki from child's play in my bedroom and my friend just started laughing and they gave me my cell phone and I collected but didn't look at it I was just too scared and when I checked it says

Thanks for the complement darling and you got any thing you and your friend are doing next week Saturday.

And I wrote or more over Emilia wrote

Not that I know of darling and about the complement you welcome any time

Emilia ended it with a with a winking emoji I was just still processing that charlie was actually texting with me and I knew that was not him texting it was Zaid and to confirm my suspicion a text came in saying

I should thank Zaid cause I was too scared to talk to you thinking you would reject me

And I wrote

I would never reject you

And he sent

You finally text me back and not your friend huh

How did you know it wasn't me

I know you darling all those things they wrote you were probably screaming at them

And when he said those word I blushed and thought am I that easy to read

I guess you sorta know me a little

Well good night darling(he said with a love emoji)

Good night babe

And he said

Wow babe is this Emilia or rubby

No darling it is your one and said only Xander

And I thought you were a good girl

Well you brought the bad side of me out

Glad to know I did that

And after that we just stop talking and I heard a cough and I knew who it was it was rubby and I turned to loom at her and she said what were you guys talking about and I couldn't say anything I just gave them the phone and they squealed in happiness and they said we have to tell Nate about this and we have to go shopping again and I said no the dresses I have are enough for me OK I have like 7 gigantic boxes of clothes and the one in my wardrobe too so I am good and they said about that we already threw like 3 boxes of those away and I literally yelled WHAT I just sighed there is no point in shouting now what is dine is done I wanted to at least donate it or something and they said don't worry we did that we didn't throw it away I just went and embraced they and we all stayed there hugging each other and we broke apart and they started talking about our couple name and they finally  decided on one and we all laughed and talked our selves to sleep because school was tomorrow I guess we did sleep by 5 this time and we woke up to a boys voice and I opened my eyes and saw my brother Axel and I asked what are you doing here and he said you had better wake up school starts in 30 minutes how as you still sleep and it hit me what how I have to go bath why didn't you wake us up earlier I have been trying to my dear sister but you didn't budge only Emilia did and she is currently standing in front of the mirror doing her makeup sometimes I don't understand you girl oh did I say sometimes I meant I don't understand girls at all and I looked up at him dad already knew what he did and is sending us to a school in Alaska named Seabrook university because we are already in the last semester and will soon finish school  and I said get out of my room I need to change and have my bath and I shoved him out of the room but at the door I asked him why did you wake me up you would have just gone without me and he just sighed and said how could I leave my sister and I thought he had started to change until he said this and besides my car ran out of gas so you are going to take me to school so be fast now go have your bath you smell like the trashcan I just slammed the door in his face and I heard him muttering something but I couldn't hear what he said until I couldn't hear any foot steps again.

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