Chapter 24

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AN: Please Remember to Vote and Comment! This chapter was really fun to write. Something cute happens soooo that's always good right? This book means so much to me, and to know if it means anything to you makes it even better! Love you guys. xxxxxx.

Bethany's POV

The way he smiled was like no way I had ever seen before. There was this element to him that made my heartbeat pick up faster than before. He looked completely natural, as if all the lights flashing around us and screams being thrown at us was first nature. He didn't once look away from me when I walked through the door to exit the building. He just stood there happily, waiting for me. Nothing in the world was distracting him. No other girl was taking his eyes away from me. He was mine right now, and that's all I really wanted. It was all I wanted so that I could feel safe- so that I could feel this was worth the horrible rumors that I knew were going to start eventually.

I knew he was trying to prove himself to me after last night, but I didn't care. This was something I had wanted from him since the beginning, and maybe it just took a little bump in the road for him to see it. I want the reassurance that nothing is going to happen between us like it did with me and Chace. I wanted a relationship with honesty and trust. I guess this is just the stepping stones into it.

The look on his face was enough to make me completely forget last night. It was a look you'd never forget. His shoulders were slouched forward... just a bit. It looked as if the wind had gotten knocked right out of him and he couldn't get it back in. His black jeans covered his legs with two holes in the knees and they were tucked into his scuffed up brown boots. He told me he liked them like that. He said it made him look like he walked a lot so he wasn't inactive. His shirt was plain black but it was covered by a blazer. Obviously he figured he'd be accompanying me to a party... and he was correct.

His face was priceless as he took me in. His jaw hung open making his lips barely part. The only place they weren't touching together was closer to the center. His eyes were furrowed a bit as they swept up and down my body. There was no secret when he stared at my chest, rolling his lips together before clenching them tightly into a straight line.

There was cameras flashing everywhere, but the only place my eyes would stay focussed on was Harry. He consumed me physically and emotionally. He could take my breath away and keep it for the rest of his life. What ever I had as my own possessions weretaken as his. I couldn't stop him. He took over my mind, body and especially my heart.

I decided the staring was starting to wear both of us out. It was just causing more of a dramatic effect, and I don't think either of us wanted that. Though, I knew neither of us was trying for that. So I decided to walk. I took a slow step forward, tentively walking past a few cameras. The screaming increased, as well as the flashes and absurd questions.

He stood there, not looking anywhere but me, with his arms behind his back as he bounced on his toes anxiously. My next few steps were scary- I felt my legs beginning to shake. It wasn't because I didn't know how to walk in heels, or I had too much to drink. No. It was because of him. He made me so nervous my legs would shake. I practically buckled my knee when I was three fourths of the way there, making him chuckle at me a bit.

The joking glare I sent him made me earn a giant smile. All his teeth were showing, the dimples in his cheeks popping in and the crinkles around his nose and eyes appearing. It was breathtaking, but it did make me even more anxious. How could one human being as beautiful as him have any interest in someone like me?

His strides were quick, obviously he knew if he didn't come meet me, I would fall into a pile in front of everyone. So he was a gentleman, again. He walked forward, stopping right in front of me. I felt nothing but my legs losing all feeling as his arms wrapped around me. It was like second nature to wrap my arms back around him. I didn't care who was looking. I didn't care who was taking pictures or recording us. I just wanted to stay in his arms.

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