Plo vs Windu

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For all my Windu haters

Plo was sick of Windu lecturing him about attachment, ever since he met Ahsoka they formed a bond and Windu has tried multiple times to destroy the bond but Plo always shielded and protected it.

When he asked Windu why he kept trying to destroy he always kept telling Plo that he was braking the code and that he had to let go of his attachment with her or else he would lose himself to the dark side.

Plo though would just glare at Windu and walk away but now Plo was tired of walking away, it was time to confront Windu on this and tell him to leave them alone and Plo knew one thing but Plo knew one thing, this wasn't gonna end well.

He walks to Windu's quarters and knocks on his door, Windu opens it and glares at Plo, he says "Master Plo, what u want?" Plo glares at him and says "I need to talk to you, can I come inside."

Windu had a pretty good idea about what he wanted to talk about but he let Plo in nonetheless. He closed the door behind Plo and said "what do u want to talk about?"

Plo glares at him and says "last night I sensed that you tried to brake me and Little Soka's bond again, I've come here to ask you why." Windu glared at him and said "You already know why, you need to break your bond with her or she will be your downfall."

Plo may have seemed calm on the outside but on the inside he was incensed, he said "having attachments does not mean what someone will become evil, it's what we do and how we act with those attachments that define us."

Windu let out a low growl and said "we shouldn't have attachments at all, your just making dumb excuses so that you can protect your stupid bond with her!"

Plo fought for control and said "how can you be so angry at a child that hasn't done anything to you?" Windu scowled and said "because she is a bad Jedi, she is stubborn, arrogant, and doesn't listen to orders, we should have sent her to the Agri Corps instead of letting Skywalker train her."

Plo glared at him and said "just because she is arrogant and stubborn does not mean that she's a bad Jedi. It makes her unique, just like Skywalker."

Windu growls and says "Another stupid decision that you and the rest of the council made, we let him be trained when he never should have been trained in he first place!"

Plo growls but Windu didn't hear him, Plo says "would you have preferred if he had stayed a slave where people could have abused him?!" Windu growls and says "if it would have taught him to listen to others then yes!"

Plo could not believe what he was hearing, not only did Windu wish that he and Ahsoka brake the bond but he also wished that Anakin had stayed a slave.

He glares at Windu and says "you say my attachment clouds my judgement but I think you need a reality check because your anger clouds yours."

He then heads to the door and says "and if you say anything to Ahsoka that hurts her feelings then I will not hesitate to put you in your place."

Before Windu could argue any further, Plo walked out and headed back to his quarters. A good thing came out of this though because Windu finally gave up on destroying the bond.

Ahsoka and Plo / one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now