The council go to the "world between Worlds"

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I got this idea from AhsokaFulcrumTano  so pls go follow and read her books

The council were all meditating but when they opened their eyes they were surprised when they saw that their were several portals and long stretches of roads.

Plo said "where are we?" Obi Wan strokes his beard and says "I don't know, have you ever heard or seen this place master Yoda?" Yoda shakes his head and says "heard of this place, I have not." They were very confused but decided to look around, they approached a portal and were surprised when they saw a much older Ahsoka fighting a Sith that was wearing all black.

Plo then notices that the floor was cracking under her but she gave no indication that she knew that, he reaches out, grabs her by the arm, pulls her into the "world between worlds" and they fall down.

The council all gasp and some help Plo up and go over to Ahsoka. She stands up and was shocked when she saw them, the council also couldn't believe their eyes. She looks much older, her Lekku reached down to her chest and she was about the same height as Obi Wan.

She takes a hesitant step forward and says "Masters, is it really you?" They nod and they all smile at her, except Windu he isn't capable of smiling, she was staring at the council in shock and says "but that can't be right, your supposed to be dead, the clones killed you."

The council were shocked and Obi Wan says "what do u mean the clones killed us?" Ahsoka sighs and says "the future isn't a good future masters." She then looked around and said "where are we exactly?"

The council all shrugged and Kit says "we have no idea." Ahsoka looks back at the portal and says "you pulled me out of this portal then that means that you changed my future." The council were shocked and Windu says "that's impossible."

Ahsoka smirks and says "like master Yoda says impossible, nothing is." Obi Wan couldn't help but chuckle at that and Yoda smiles at her and says "good to see, you listen to me, sometimes."

Ahsoka smiles and Shakk says "Ahsoka what do u mean that the future isn't good, what happens?" Ahsoka sighs and says "masters Chancellor Palpatine is the Sith Lord, he planted a chip inside the clones head and ordered them to kill all the Jedi."

The council were all shocked and Windu says "how do u know that?" Ahsoka sighs and says "because I've lived through it, because I've watched it happen, and I'm haunted by the memories of it, always wondering if I could have stopped it."

The council could feel her grief so Plo puts a hand on her shoulder to offer her comfort, she gives him a sad smile and Yoda says "truth she speaks, played as fools, we have, stop this future me must."

Ahsoka nods and says "that's not all masters, Anakin became his apprentice, he was the one in black that I was fighting." Obi Wan was shocked and says "I- it can't be, Anakin would never turn."

Ahsoka sighs and says "know this masters, sometimes Anakin hides a lot more from you then you know, even you Obi Wan." The council we're confused but knew that they wouldn't get anything out of her if they asked her.

Ahsoka then says "why don't we look around a little more and I can show you what the future looks like." They nod and walk around, they stop at one portal and it plays to see Windu battling Palpatine, they could see Kit's and Tinn's body in the background.

Palpatine was firing force lightning at Windu but he was blocking it, Anakin then walks in and was shocked and angry at what he saw. He was yelling at Windu not to kill him but Windu was saying that he was too dangerous to be kept alive.

Anakin then activates his lightsaber and chops off Windu's hand, Windu yells in pain and he falls out the Windu. Palpatine congratulates Anakin and the council saw Anakin's eyes turn yellow and bow at Palpatine.

Ahsoka and Plo / one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now