The Chase

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You watched in awe from the shadows at the man that had hypnotized you. He had captivated you in a millisecond and made your chest ache as he started to walk away. You, on the other hand, had never heard about soulmates, making you completely oblivious to what this new aches and feelings meant.

However, you weren't one to give up so easily, so you decided to silently trail behind him. Curiosity had gotten the best of you and you had to find out who this man was. Besides, the loving feeling he emitted to you wasn't something you wanted to last so little, so you decided to just follow your instincts.

Rather sooner than later you realized it had been a huge mistake. A whole hour had passed ever since you decided to trail behind him, and he had been running in circles across town this whole time. He had gotten lost. Tired of this, you decided to gain his attention. You assumed that if you followed the very faint trail his scent left you could use your heightened cad senses to find his home.

Even with this plan in mind you felt very fidgety about either approaching him or not. Having him acknowledge your presence could mean trouble. What if he hated cats? What if he was a cad hunter and had been fooling you? What if this feelings were made up by you because of the way he smelled? As this thoughts came to your mind, you got scared. You had given up on engaging in social relations with humans a long time ago, and that shouldn't change now. Frightened and filled with regret, you turned around and tried to run away, immediately hitting a hard surface and somehow managing to knock a trashcan to the ground, earning the man's attention.

You felt your heart freeze as his eyes connected with yours. Every doubt and insecurity you had felt before were gone, replaced by the same feeling of warmth he gave off when you first approached him. You saw him stare at you in shock, even noticing how his cheeks had blushed a dark shade of red and that he had froze completely.

You meowed once, purring afterwards to try and encourage him to come closer to you. You wanted to feel his presence and scent from up close, they were intoxicating and you wanted more. Purring worked as a way to get normal people to pat you in the head, so you guessed it would've worked with him. But it didn't. Instead, he just stared at you dumbfounded, as if he was looking at the rarest creature on earth.

God, please don't be a bounty hunter.

You certainly weren't in the mood to be hunted down and sold all over again. As the man crouched down to your height you flinched, fearing he might try to hurt you, but nothing happened. He just kept looking at you with a look of uttermost confusion, and you didn't feel any violence radiating from him anyways.

You stepped a little closer and felt a string like texture tugging on your tiny chest, pushing you even closer to the handsome man, and judging by the muffled grunt that came from him, it seemed he had felt the same way. You looked up at him with your big dove eyes, confused as to what was happening.

He finally changed his expression and smiled to himself, picking you up and carrying you in his arms. You meowed a little lower, eyes still locked on his, and nuzzled your muzzle into his chest, taking in his strong scent and calming warmth. He then patted your head and said:

"And here I was thinking I had encountered my soulmate. It turns out it was just a little cat."

Soulmate? a little cat? What the hell is he talking about?

You blinked yourself out of the trance he put you in and realized just what the hell you were freaking doing. You had avoided any human relationship for years and in the blink of an eye here you where, in the muscular arms of a man that seemingly was planning on making you his own little pet cat.

He kept on walking, but for some reason, you just couldn't feel angry nor distressed. He continued to give off a calming warmth that reassured you everything was going to be alright as long as you stayed with the man.

Taking a better look at him, you could make out just how incredibly handsome he was, making you feel butterflies in your stomach. He had a very profiled jawline, giving him a handsome masculine look, and he had a scar running all the way through his brow to his cheekbone, adding to his sexy badassness. You also noticed how silky his strangely green hair looked in the night sky and that he had three golden earrings dangling his left ear. You definitely wouldn't mind him taking you home. Besides, his muscular arms held you strongly against his warm chest and it just felt too nice to run away. You started wondering how the rest of his body looked like. He probably had deliciously chiseled abs under his black shirt, a broad back to grab onto when...

As some very much dirty thoughts about the man crossed your mind, you felt yourself getting lulled to sleep in his strong and warm embrace, passing out completely and failing to save yourself from this ridiculous situation.

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