New Home?

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Cads were known within the supernatural world to be very elegant creatures. As a species, they were always in touch with nature and able to brighten up the natural world around them. So what the hell were you, a beautiful and respected cad, doing cuddled up to a cardboard in a random kitchen floor?

Everything that had happened last night felt like a dream, but now, here you were: sleeping in the house of a weird mystery man. You remembered falling asleep on his arms, but, after that, you fell completely unconscious. He must have carried you back home with him, probably thinking he just got himself a cute new pet.

This is ridiculous, I should just get back to the forest before he sees me.

Truth is you didn't live in the streets, you lived nearby in the forest that surrounded the uglier side of town. Because of your cad magic, you had been able to create quite a fairy tale like environment inside the forest, having bloomed some flowers and directing water to create a tiny pond in your little house. Well, not really a house as much as a couple of logs and a bed of flowers, but it was still nice and gave off a homy feel for you. Anything would be better than going back to living as an enslaved woman.

Your thoughts were interrupted as you heard shuffling coming from what you guessed was the living room, right outside the kitchen. You looked at a blue clock in the kitchen wall and realized that it was already 11:00am, you had definitely overslept, and you had to find a way to get out of the house quickly and unnoticed.

Well, this wasn't something you wanted to admit to yourself, but even though this weirdo had brought you home thinking you were some stupid cat, you didn't really want to leave. The weird feelings never left your chest and whenever you thought about him you could feel your stomach fluttering around.

Suddenly, the man had arrived to the kitchen and you heard the door creaking as he lazily opened it. Deciding you definitely didn't want to be seen by anyone, you hurried to find a place to hide in, going to the top of his scrappy looking fridge and watching him from the gap between the low ceiling and the electro domestic. He didn't seem to notice you were gone, probably forgetting he brought a "cat" home having he been so drunk.

Now everything made sense to you. He had been drinking in a bar, probably even had a few drugs. That was the smell that was putting you off.

That has to be it, right?

And even though you could still feel a tug at your chest, you decided to, for the moment, forget about it and figure a way to head out of his little house. You scurried against the back of the fridge as he reached for the doors, not wanting him to see your eyes peeking out from the dark. As you backed away, you didn't notice that there was a gap between the wall and the fridge, just the right size for a cat like you to fall down from, and you did. You fell from the top of the fridge and ended up tangled in between the cables that connected it to the wall, freezing your body in fear of getting caught as your paws dangled from the wires.

Shit, I have to stop messing up whenever I try to get away from him!

If he saw you it was going to be over for you. What if he decided to sell you? You couldn't physically fight him, if he wanted to grab you, you wouldn't be able to set yourself free from his grasp.

Staying still, you waited to hear and feel his movements, noticing he probably hadn't heard you as he walked away from you and went back to where he came from.

Sighing internally, you pushed your body downwards, disconnecting the cables from the wall in the process and allowing your body to fall down together with them to finally rest on the floor once again. Now free, you reached for a window and jumped right out, hoping to not come across this man ever again as you feared the feelings every interaction with him had given you.


Zoro awoke that morning with a mild migraine. He always got headaches whenever he drunk too much. As he lifted himself out of bed, he remembered that hypnotizing cat. It had beautiful round ocean blue eyes and a soft fluffy white fur. He remembered how calm he felt when he picked the cat up as it nuzzled against his toned chest.

"Must've been a dream" he thought out loud.

There was no way a cat would have such strange looking eyes, they were big, bright and held gold specks. The feeling the cat gave off was magical, as if his soul would have been lifted and cleaned up, eliminating negativity from his life for a second. The cat had given him peace in the midst of a dark drunken night, like he had finally found something he had been looking for his whole life.

Now he wasn't stupid. He was able to connect the dots. He had heard from his friends' stories about how it was like to meet your soulmate, and they described their experiences very similarly to what he had felt yesterday. Of course, Zoro chose to believe it had been a dream. Soulmate of a cat? That made no sense. It was ridiculous. He probably had been feeling lonely and was desperately reaching out for something he couldn't have yet wanted with deep passion, a companion.

Maybe I should get a cat.

Shaking off his confusion he went to the kitchen, feeling once again a string tugging at his chest. He sighed, tired of this weird feelings and deciding to get it checked by a doctor if they continued to appear. Maybe he could ask that Trafalgar guy if he knew what the hell was happening to him. In the meantime, he would go running to sweat off the alcohol that was still left in his body. He made himself some breakfast, got dressed and ran off, but, still, he couldn't stop thinking about his dream.

Whenever he remembered the gorgeous cat he would be filled with an incomprehensible warmth. He was starting to feel uncomfortable. Was he getting a crush on a fake cat from his dream? It felt weird. He wasn't attracted to animals and he was getting more and more confused.

As Zoro and you went separate ways, both of you felt a strong pang in your chests. It made it harder to breath and you found yourself gasping for air.

Because you were in your cat form, you couldn't control your instinct as well as you could have if you had been in your human form, so you didn't even think twice before you trotted off back into the direction Zoro had gone. You had a deep feeling of longing in your chest, you wanted to be with him, and you couldn't help it. At this point, neither your body nor your mind responded to logic, being guided by your instinct as a cad. Unluckily, it was plain daytime and the streets were filled with vehicles. Unable to pay attention as your senses felt clouded with need, just as you were one block away from Zoro, a bicycle hit your body, running over one of your paws and sending your small figure scraping through the pavement.

Finding Home (Roronoa Zoro x Reader) AUWhere stories live. Discover now