Waking Up

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Franky and Robin left Zoro alone, they felt bad about leaving him, but this was an intimate problem he had with his soulmate, so they said their goodbyes and simply left him be. They texted their friends and made sure to update them on the situation, explaining the state they found you in and asking for their discretion on the subject. The fact that you were a magical creature wasn't something they knew how to act about, so Robin preferred to keep it within the circle of friends, specially because she knew what had happened to the brothers' cad sister, and didn't want the word about you to spread only for you to suffer from the same destiny. 

Back at Zoro's place, he laid down next to you, restless, thinking about everything that had happened. He was an idiot. He had been in denial for a whole week and you were now paying for it. He felt like an absolute jerk. How could he have let himself even try to sleep with another woman? On a deep level, after talking to Robin about you he knew you were a cad, it was obvious. Robin was always right about everything anyways, she was very smart and intuitive. On the other hand, you had given him signs that made it obvious, but he simply didn't want to see them. He was afraid to ruin the relationship, and he ended up ruining you.

You were his soulmate. And as he already knew, cheating on a soulmate could lead to terrible consequences. He just wanted to get the best of the worst, not wanting you to leave him forever.

He pressed his hand on your forehead, feeling you stir a little as you reacted to his touch. His heart melted and he felt some of the pain go away. Still, he needed to see you were alright and that you forgave him. He was going to work for your forgiveness and earn it. He owed you a lot. He had put your life in danger and had broken your heart, now the only thing on his mind was to make things right with you.

Still, the feelings hadn't changed. Laying down in bed with you made him wonder how your human form looked like. He began asking himself why was it that you were hidden in your cat form anyways. He'd have the chance to ask you once you woke up.

Yes. She'll wake up.

Picking your body up delicately he positioned you on top of his chest, the way you usually did, and you instinctively cuddled up to him, your paws pressing softly at his chest and your whiskers tickling his chin.

Still, he didn't allow himself to relax. He wanted to keep an eye on you in case your bleeding came back or any other problem occurred.

Zoro was amazed at how powerful your bond was, the fact that your body suffered so hardly the consequences of his actions showed him just how much you cared for him as well.

It was already seven in the morning and you hadn't shown any sign of waking up. Then another hour had passed. Nothing. He started recieving worried texts from his friends but he was in no mood to answer them, he wanted to be with you and give you his full attention.

Panic spread all over his body as you hadn't even moved ever since he placed you on his chest. He had been hopeful you'd wake up soon, but seeing you like this made his heart beat faster, and not in the pleasant way it did when you locked eyes, it was taunting him with the idea that he'd never see your beautiful eyes look up at him brightly ever again.

Just as this dark thoughts were crossing his mind, he felt you shuffling around. Looking down to you, he caught your eyes the second you opened them up. He let out a breath he hadn't noticed he was holding and proceeded to softly embrace your small figure with his arms, holding you tightly against him. You blinked up at him trying to remember what had happened, images from last night flooding your mind. Your eyes watered as you remembered that Zoro had had sex on this very bed with another woman, and you tried to get out of there immediately. The smell of Hiyori was still lingering on the sheets and it broke your heart in pieces.

"Snow." Zoro said softly, nuzzling his nose into your fur. You wiggled yourself free from his grasp and left to your spot in the couch. Confused, Zoro stood up and followed you from behind, feeling the pain that came from your side of the now half-torn bond.

"No! Wait, I didn't do anything with Hiyori. I couldn't." You stopped in your tracks and turned around to look at him, your eyes puffy and glossy from how much you had cried last night. Staring at him attentively, you noticed he was in despair, and you could feel he wanted to be with you as much as you wanted to be with him.

"Please. I'm sorry." Zoro sat on his knees as he held out his hand, testing the limits to see if he could either touch you or not. You scooted a little closer to him, wanting to hear what he had to say. He looked broken and it made you extremely sad to know he felt just as bad and hurt as you did.

"I know you're a cad."

You stared up at him, not making a sound. You didn't know what to do. You were tired, last night had literally broken you on the inside, and you didn't sense anything in his tone.

"Please let me see you, Snow. You are my soulmate."

No, no no. He'll freak out and leave. I should just go and forget about this.

"Please Snow. I'm going crazy over here. I need you." Zoro's voice was cracking as he spoke to you in soft whispers. He extended his arm and got a hold on you, picking you up so that you'd feel him.

You felt his unsteady heart beat. The bond was seeping sadness, regret and need. As you stared at his eyes, you saw nothing but broken love, and with that, you had made your decision. As if on cue, Zoro asked you.

"Are you human?"

He had lifted you up so that you'd be at his eye level.

You nodded.

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