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steve's pov

do i love tatum? of course i do, what's there not to love? sodapop however, i bet he only wanted to make sandy jealous, know that i've noticed, he doesn't care about those he loves, he just wants attention, girls, and a good reputation. he's so fake.

"oi, steve!" dally shouts, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"what do you want?" i ask.

"you seen tatum?"

"not since she left the DX."

"oh yeah, because of what sodapop said, right?"

"yeah, how'd you know?"

"tatum told ponyboy, well ponyboy heard tatum talking to herself about it, then ponyboy told two-bit, two-bit then told johnny, johnny told me, and now i know."

"spreads like wildfire."

"yeah, also, ponyboy couldn't keep his trap shut so he told darry."

"good, tell me what happens because i'm not gonna be visiting there anymore."

"where're you gonna sleep?"

"the lot."

"you'll be sleeping at my house. i already told my parents." tatum states, walking over to us.

"tate!" i yell, pulling her into a hug.

she returns the hug and asks, "are you okay?"

"i'm fine, what about you?" i ask.

"yeah, i'm okay." she answers. "hey, dal." she hugs him.

"hey, tate." he hugs her tight.

"we should all go to the nightly double, just us three." i suggest.

"eh, i dunno." tatum says.

"please." i say, giving her puppy dog eyes.

"steve, don't. not puppy dog eyes." tatum says.

"pretty please? with a cherry on top." i pout.

"ugh, fine." she gives in.

"yay!" i squeal.

"i hate you." she chuckles.

"i love you too." i peck her lips.

"that is disgusting. please never do that again."


steve and tatum are adorable, you can't change my mind :)

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