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tatum's pov

i can't live like this. i can't live like everything is and will be okay. sodapop's gone, just like ethan. i can't face the gang when they find out that i am or i will be the reason for sodapop getting killed. i have to leave before him. life just isn't fair. it's not fair that depending on which side you grow up one, you get based on that. i can't keep going. i want a new life. i need a new life. where soc's and greasers don't matter. where we can all be friends. sometimes i wonder if ethan's death was deliberate. if it was deliberate, i don't blame him. i'm only still here today because of the gang, they're my rocks. but now my rocks aren't there anymore. and i won't be either. it's time to end it all.

*writing the letters*

thank you for everything you have done for me and my family. you've been here for me alongside sodapop and ponyboy for the past 16 years, my whole life. your parents are so proud of you for coming this far. i hope you get to a great college and change the world, just like i wish i could. but it's too late for me, but you still have your time, you always will. please, for everyone's sake including mine, don't let sodapop go to war, it'll break loads of people. i love you, dar-bear. i always have and i always will. i'll see you on the other side.
love, tatum rose brookes.

hey, two. i hope you're doing well. i wish i could be writing you this letter under better circumstances. i just wanted to let you know that you are one of the best people i have ever met. you always know how to make someone smile, but unfortunately for me, nothing can make me smile, if i did smile, it would be fake. for the past few months my happiness has been fake. well, most of my happiness has been fake since what happened to ethan. anyway, i don't want to waste your time so please, just remember that i love you and i hope you escape this hell-hole of a town. see you on the other side.
love, tatum rose brookes.

hey pony, i'm sorry to inform you that i have decided to take a break from life. you continue yours with the gang, always carry a switch around. look after lil johnny and the gang, they need you. you guys need each other. as i told darry, and i'll tell you too, don't let sodapop go to war. not now, not ever. you guys need each other more than anything, especially right now. also, i told darry this too, your parents are so proud of you. keep writing poetry and looking at the sunsets. maybe you'll catch me looking at them too. thank you for all the good times. i love you, ponyboy. i'll see you on the other side. stay gold.
love, tatum rose brookes.

hey johnnycakes, i just wanted to let you know that you'll never be seeing me again. only ethan, maybe the curtis parents too. i'll be watching over you guys. thank you for helping me get through my tough times. i wish right now were a time for you to help me get through, but we both know that nothing can fix my mental state. look after the gang and yourself. keep pushing through, i know you're tough enough. you've always felt like a little brother to me. an amazing little brother. i just wish i were an amazing big sister. also, please go live with the curtis', they're much better and wealthier than your own home. i love you, johnnycakes. i'll see you on the other side.
love, tatum rose brookes.

hey dal, not that you care or anything, but i ought to let you know, i've decided to go visit ethan and the curtis parents. however, you continue to keep being yourself and break peoples hearts, along with their bones. haha. anyway, thank you for looking after me when ethan couldn't. i'm gonna make this short to save you time. but anyway, i know you're not a soft person, but i love you. i'll see you on the other side.
love, tatum rose brookes.

hey stevie. i'm sorry you have to read this. i wish you didn't have to read this, but it's best you know. i'm taking a lifetime break for my life as a greaser in tulsa. i know that might kill you to know that i'm ending my life, but don't worry, you'll find a girl who is much more prettier, happier, wealthier, richer, perfect than me. notice how i'm none of those. you made me realize how important life is and how much people can care about one person. i just wish i didn't take life for granted when i set out into this world. you're the best part of me. i could go on and on for years about how much you mean to me, but that would mean that i have to be alive to do so. anyway, maybe i'll see you again, just not in this lifetime. please be friends with sodapop again, i'm sorry i ruined your friendship with him. please don't let him go to war, he has so much to live for, so do the other greasers, including you. this isn't a goodbye, it's a see you later. i'll see you on the other side, steve. i love you so much, ever since day one.
love, tatum rose brookes.

hey soda, i'm sorry you have to read this. i shouldn't be doing this but i have no choice. it's best for the both of us, you know that. i know that i'm just another DX girl to you, but to me, you're the world to me. it's funny how one person can change your world for the better. but then again, you recently changed mine for the worse. but don't you or any of the gang feel like my death is their fault, it's my fault, i've chosen to do this. you were my first love, you and steve, but i guess you don't wanna hear/read me talking about steve. please be friends with him again, for my sake, it was my fault you both stopped being friends. i don't know why you calling me 'another DX girl' hurt me so much, it's not like you were wrong. i had to know it sooner or later. i guess i just didn't want to admit it. but anyway, thank you for all the laughs, fun, happiness, and importantly, the memories. also, as i told darry and ponyboy, your parents are so proud of you, keep making them proud, they're lucky to have you. i remember when you asked me a few years ago what i thought love means, i've finally realized what it means, it means; when you like someone so much that you just can't call it like anymore, you have to call it love. i love you so much, never forget that. even how mad i get at you, or how much you make me cry, i will always love you. i'll see you on the other side.
love, tatum rose brookes.
p.s. don't go to war, for the gang and my sake. you're here for a reason. don't cut your life short. we love you.

*a poem for the gang*

hey greasers,
i recently thought of a poem for us. it kind of defines who we are and what we are looking for. it's from a third person perspective. anyway, here it is:

they grew up on the outside of society.
they weren't looking for a fight.
they were looking to belong.

i hope you guys like it. maybe it could be a slogan or something. anyway, i love you guys. i'll see you all on the other side.
love, tatum rose brookes.

*end of the letters*

as i mailed them off, i ended it all. my life had finally finished.


one more chapter to go! sorry it had to end like this.

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