Scrapbook Memories

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Requested by crazykitten01

"Love, where'd you put the scrapbook, again?" You asked, standing on your tippy toes while looking through one of the various bookshelfs in the Owl House.

"Should be on the top shelf, hun." Eda replied from the kitchen, holding a tea kettle in her hand.

You finally reached the aforementioned book, pulling it off the shelf and sneezing as a cloud of dust floated in the air around you. "Got it." you announced, scratching your nose. You wiped the remaining dust off the scrapbook with your sleeve, and went back to the couch, waiting for your wife to come to you with the tea.

Luz had left to hang out with her friends in the snow to celebrate Winter, dragging King along with her (not that he didn't want to go with them). Lilith had been convinced to chaperone the kids by her very insistant sister. In all honesty though, she only did that because all you wanted to do was spend some alone time with our wife, so of course Eda decided to pull the 'you cursed me' card to guilt trip Lilith into going.

So basically the two of you were left alone in the house (not including Hooty, who you'd threatened after a previous incident when he'd decided to tattle on your and Eda's Bad Girl Coven activities).

Soon Eda sat down beside you, handing you a mug with boiling hot tea, and pulled a warm blanket over the two of you. You looked at the cover of the scrapbook. It wasn't anything fancy, just had some random stickers or papers glued onto it from back in the day.

You leaned against Eda and she kissed your cheek softly. You sighed happily, flipping open the first page.

"Haha! You had so much acne back then!" Your wife snorted beside you, looking at a picture of you and herself during your Hexside days. "Oh the times when you were taller than me..." she said, teasingly.

"Oh shush" You groaned slightly. "I remember this day... you got in so much trouble for that one..."


"Hey (y/n)!" Eda whispered to you "I betcha I can hit Odalia with this snowball."

It was a snowy day on the Isles and most of your class was outside during lunch, including Odalia Blight, who everyone knew, but no one really liked. Well, not unless they were trying to suck up to her, anyway. She'd bullied Lilith quite a few times before, so of course, Eda had to play a prank or two on her.

"I dunno, you might end up hitting someone else." You whispered back. "She's pretty far away..."

"I know I can do it, though!" the redhead replied with a mischievous gleam in her eye "Watch me."


Before you could finish your sentence, Eda had already thrown the snowball at Odalia... but she missed.


Instead, it somehow flew into an open window where a class was taking place, hitting a teacher square in the face. You and your best friend froze in fear, watching as the teacher wiped the snow from her eyes, and turned to find Eda with an outstretched arm.

  "EDALYN CLAWTHORNE" the teacher yelled, giving your friend a death glare.

"UUUHHHHH IT WAS ODALIA" Eda screamed, and you failed to hold back a laugh as the green haired witch's face reddened in anger at the girl's accusation.


"Okay, but what proof did she have that it wasn't the prissy little Blight who threw it?" Eda tried to defend herself, crossing her arms, which prompted you to laugh. "Nah, you know what, it was your cackling that gave me away."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2021 ⏰

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