Sick!Eda & Serentiy (Eda's Daughter)

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  Okay, this one is a request for @winxgirl28

This takes place right after Young Blood, Old Souls. Again, sorry for the delay!

  "Look, I'm okay! I'm just a little drained from everything, that's all!" Eda said, trying to dismiss the worried look on her kids' faces.

  "No, you're obviously not!" Luz was holding Eda up by her side. "You almost fainted, and you're burning up!"

  Eda batted Luz's hand away from her face, pushing her apprentice away "Kid, I'm telling you, I'm fine."

  Serenity, Eda's daughter, walked into the room. "Okay, I just got Lilith settled in the shed. Are you sure this is a good ide-" She cut off her sentence midway as she saw her mother, who could barely keep her balance. "Oh my gosh, mom!"

  She rushed to the older witch's side, trying her best to help. With everything that had happened in the past few days, the last thing she needed was to see her mother passed out on the floor. Serenity attempted to bring Eda to the couch while giving Luz a "what in the heck happened" look.

  "We were just talking, then Eda lost her balance and almost fainted!" Luz scrambled to the young witch's side "Then when I put my hand to her forhead to check if she had a cold, she was burning hot!"

  Serenity shifted her look towards Eda, who she'd managed to lay on the couch, and reached for her face with the back of her hand, only to confirm Luz's statement "Mom, why didn't you tell us you were sick?" She knelt down by the couch, taking Eda's hand in hers. "With you being out of magic, this could be seriously dangerous! You know that!"

  Her eyes pricked with tears, and she let out a sob as they rolled down her face. "I don't want to lose you."

  Eda let out a sigh, and rested a hand on her daughter's face, wiping away a tear with her thumb. "Kid, I'm not going anywhere." She looked at Luz, who shared the same look of grief, then down at herself. "I'm stubborn, you know that. I just didn't want to make you even more stressed than you already are. I mean, come on! You two are just kids and you went up againt the Emperor to save me! You deserve to rest."

  Luz reached for Serenity's hand, giving it a loving squeeze. Over the time they spent together, they'd gradually become more like sisters, which brought a familiar warmth to Eda's heart as she remembered her relationship with Lily when they were young.

  Before... everything.

  That thought was bittersweet, but the way the two kids found comfort in each other's presence brought a smile to her face.

  "We get where you're coming from, but you need to rest too." The human girl sat up, trying to reassure her mentor. "You just ended up getting more sick by keeping it to yourself... let us take care of you, like you always do for us."

  "I'm sorry I made you two worry so much." Eda spoke quietly, as if she was trying to hide how moved she was by the kids' words. "I'll rest. I promise."

  Serenity gave her a small smile, wrapping her arms around her mother, but not for too long, to not catch her fever.

  "I love you mom" She said, letting out a relieved sigh.

  "I love you too, sweetheart."

Eda x Reader Oneshots (The Owl House)Where stories live. Discover now