Chapter 1

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Ed was writing his homework while throwing mad glares to the clock from the wall. Like any other troublemaker he just couldn't wait to get out of detention. Except that this time it really wasn't his fault and no one believed him.

While he was silently planning his revenge on George, the boy that got him in this, a girl knocked at the door and walked inside. He looked up and all his angry thoughts dissipated suddenly. The girl he had seen before at the cinema he was working part time was standing there, looking just as beautiful as the first time. Lorraine.

Her crystal blue eyes glanced at him shortly before she brushed off a tress of her caramel hair from her eyes and looked at the teacher.

'I am so sorry to interrupt, mister Brown,' she said with a sweet voice.

'No problem, miss Moran,' the teacher answered with a voice that convinced Ed the girl was appreciated among the teachers. 'What brings you here?'

'Misses Whitmore asked me to clean the trophies from the hallway and she told me to get some help,' Lorraine continued with an angelic look in her eyes and a bright smile spread on her pale face. 'I was supposed to work with mister Warren.'

Ed forced himself to hide the confused look of his face, then his smirk.

'Mister Warren is in detention for a reason, miss Moran. I can't just let him out whenever I want after he got into a fight.'

'I know, but...I just didn't want to work alone. But, it's alright, I can do it alone. I am sorry I bothered.'

Lorraine greeted the teacher with a disappointed look on her face before turning around to leave. Mister Brown sighed and glared at Ed, who smiled like an innocent and continued writing, with Lorraine's image in his mind.

'Miss Moran!' the teacher called soon after and she returned quickly. 'You may take him with you. Just don't let him get out of your sight.'

'Of course! Thank you so much, professor.'

The girl threw him a glare that was clear enough. "Move faster or he will change his mind". Ed packed his stuff quickly and followed her outside.

'Where do we begin?' he asked with excitement because he got out and because he could finally get to spend time with Lorraine.

'I cleaned the trophies already,' she explained shortly. 'And now I have to get you out of here.'

'Why are you helping me? Not that I would be complaining or something.'

'I saw what George did. You shouldn't have been in detention just because you defended that younger kid from him.'

Ed smiled. He clearly liked her spirit.

She kept looking around herself so no teacher would notice them and she stopped suddenly at a crossroad. The boy almost tripped over her and looked down at her eyes confused.

'Why did we stop?'

'That's the exit idiot,' she answered with a soft voice and a small smile. 'If you move fast enough no teacher will catch you.'

'Wait, where are you going?' he asked with a shocked look. He didn't want her to leave already.

'I have to get my stuff from the locker and then I will go home too.'

'You can't leave me alone already!' Ed protested. 'What if I will get in other troubles?'

She rolled her eyes, smiling and he grinned.

'Well if you do I won't help you again. Now go, Ed.'

'I am coming with you,' he stated then rose his finger to stop her before she could even protest. 'Let's say I am returning you a favor if that makes you feel better.'

Lorraine sighed and looked into his eyes. 'Fine. But we have to move fast.'

'Of course. You're the leader.'

Soon, the two got to her locker and she threw her stuff in her bag with speed. Ed was looking around, checking the surroundings and the girl threw him a hidden glare before deciding that she was done.

While they were walking on the hallways, they heard a group of teenagers and Ed stopped with anger when he heard a familiar voice. George and his friends didn't spot them yet, but the boy was looking at him, thinking if he should get revenge or not.

'Don't,' Lorraine said with a low voice and placed her hand on his forearm gently. 'Be the bigger man and let this go.'

He softened at her calm and gentle touch and the thought of revenge flew away from his mind just as fast as it came. He didn't know that a person can have that effect on you and the sensation was new to him. She smiled and pushed him to the exit

The two walked outside the high school, laughing and talking about their escape. Lorraine was feeling comfortable with Ed and that made her force herself not to get attached. She had lost so many friends she cared about before and she was tired of suffering.

'Would you like to go for a walk in the park?' Ed asked with an honest smile on his face.

Lorraine's stomach became smaller suddenly. She really wanted to go with him and get to know him but she politely declined.

'I can't. My mother is expecting me soon today and I don't want her to worry.'

'I will walk you home after if that is the problem,' he suggested.

'No, it's alright.'

They looked at each other in silence for a few moments like they wanted to memorize the other one's face before splitting. Ed smiled brightly and the girl was afraid that she had blushed.

'Try to keep yourself away from troubles, okay?'

He nodded, giggling.

'I will. Or, I'll try sounds more plausible.'

They laughed and Lorraine waved her hand slowly.

'See you around, troublemaker.'

~The first chapter!! I am so excited about this and this story will also have some action. If you like it, please vote, comment or share it to some friends, it really means a lot to me.~

Meant to be|Ed and Lorraine Warren fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now