Chapter 8

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'We have to help her,' Lorraine said categorically.
'How? We have no idea what this all is supposed to be!'
Ed protested from behind her while she kept walking away, not answering to his question. Even if she was walking fast, his steps were larger and he could get next to her quickly. However, he didn't bother and let her walk before him.
'I think we both know what this is supposed to be.'
At a moment she stopped, not turning around. If he wouldn't have walked closer to her, he wouldn't have heard her words.
'It was talking about her...'
'What are you talking about?'
Throwing a short glare to her house that was a bit ahead of them, she sighed.
'Let's talk inside, okay?'
Her blue eyes stopped on his, begging to trust her. Nodding, he put a hand on her back and walked with her.
After she carefully closed the door behind them and locked it, she pointed at the living room. That's where he placed her luggage and sat on an armchair, slowly taking his coat off.
Lorraine turned on the heat and kept her coat over her shoulders. She was sitting across him, otherwise he would have held her to his chest to warm her. It was like she was afraid he would get mad and leave, and could deal with it a lot better from that distance.
'When that door slammed between us,' she murmured and Ed focused. 'It all became quiet. I couldn't even hear you and some strange wind was swirling in there.'
Somehow, Ed knew what was coming. And it made her even more scared that he wasn't there. She faced it all alone.
'Something was in there with me,' she whispered. 'It was full of hatred, it scared me.'
It was like she didn't dare to say it louder, because if she did, whatever that thing was it would come after her.
'That...thing. It told me "We've got her" and for the moment I thought it was about me. Now I realize that it was Ruby.'
'Oh, God. Lor, you should have told me.'
With speed, he got up and sat next to her. Just like an instinct, he put his arm around her and pulled her close.
'I was afraid. Ed, whatever that thing was it wants to harm Ruby. And I don't know how but we have to stop it.'
'We will, okay?'
He lost himself in that pair of crystal eyes, covered by a shadow a fear. A shadow that he hated to see on her. Slowly, he put a hand on her cheek and leaned down for a short kiss.
'It will be fine. Somehow.'
She almost smiled at the last word.
'Look, we'll go slowly. Check on her a few more times and make sure it's what we think it is.'
'Yes, but her parents won't let us see her.'
'Well that's why we've got Adam on our side,' he answered smirking. 'He always manipulates people somehow.'
'Adam believes all this mess?'
He nodded and they laughed a bit relieved. He planted another kiss on her lips, then on her forehead.
'Should we go now?' she asked with a low voice and rosy cheeks.
'We can go whenever you want.'
He grinned meaningfully and she rolled her eyes playfully.
'Get up, idiot. She needs us.'
'Alright, alright. I'm going to call Adam, I'll be right back.'
Lorraine smiled to him while he walked to her phone and left her alone in the living room. A warm sunray gently touched her cheek and made her eyes shine even more. Moving a tress of her caramel hair, she took a deep breath of the fresh air that filled the room after she opened the window.
She was relived. Relieved that for the first time in her life, someone was determined to held her. Someone believed her and trusted her so much that willed to listen to her. And that person was so close to her and loved her. A person who made her be the happiest girl each time he kissed her or held her hand. Or simply talk to her.
'Ok, he agreed,' Ed spoke smiling. 'He'll be there in ten minutes.'
'Well, we'll be there in two, so we could stay here a bit longer.'
With a bright smile on her face, she stepped closer to him, looking up to his warm brown eyes, that watched her with love.
'Oh, how you amaze me, Moran.'
'That's my talent,' she answered with a grin on her face.
She wrapped her arms around his waist and placed her head on his chest. His heart was beating regularly and calmly, making her relax a bit.
Ed rested his chin on her head after placing a long kiss on the top of her head.
'I wanna live in this moment forever,' she muttered and he agreed.

~It took me a while to update and I am really sorry about that. However, tomorrow or very soon anyway I might post another chapteeer. I hope you all like it and please leave a comment or a vote🥺💚~

Meant to be|Ed and Lorraine Warren fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now