Chapter 3

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The golden autumn light was barely warming the earth anymore and a cold wind was blowing along with it. Over the carpet of spotted leaves was running Ed to school. He accidentally missed the first class because he had slept too much.

The noises of laughs and friendly chatting were filling the hallways of the high school and the boy was glad he could have a few minutes of relaxing during the break. He was catching his breath while he walked along a corridor, searching for his friends.

When he found Adam, the boy was too preoccupied to laugh at him for sleeping more.

'How could you possibly ignore the morning alarm in such a way?' his friend laughed.

'Do you know me?'

The two giggled along with the other boys until the bell ringed and announced them that the class was about to start.

When Ed was about to step inside his class, his eyes ran once again along the hallway and something caught his eye. Lorraine's crystal eyes were pooling with tears as she dashed away from the bathroom.

In that moment nothing else mattered to him and walked away from his classmates, hoping that the teacher hadn't spotted him already.

'Lorraine!' he called out to the girl but she didn't give any sign that she had heard him.

However, she did. His shouts did get to her ears, she just couldn't bear a meet with him when she was like that. Actually, seeing him was one of the last things she wanted to do.

'I know you heard me,' he spoke from behind her and she stopped reluctantly.

Her fingers moved fast to wipe the tears from her cheek when she turned around to face Ed. Yet, her eyes were still red and puffy, something that she was aware of.

'What's going on?'

His voice was filled with concern and his hand rested a bit longer on her arm after he got her out of a rushing student's road. It was the day they were supposed to go out and Ed had this terrible feeling that whatever happened to her would make her refuse to go with him.


Her flat voice said enough.

'Come on, you know you can talk to me.'

'Maybe I don't want to,' Lorraine cut him off and made him flinch a bit in surprise. 'Why are you insisting, Ed? If you want to fool me then I am afraid I won't fall for that.'

'What are you talking about?'

'Just stay away from me, okay?' she said harshly, but then her voice softened for the last word. 'Please...'

Not even waiting for an answer, the girl left just as fast as she came and left Ed confused in the hallway. He watched her leaving not understanding what he had done and how he could fix it. When he realized it was already too late he walked back to his class, not even listening to what the teacher was saying. All his mind was able to focus on was Lorraine and he simply couldn't take her off his mind.

At the end of the classes, Lorraine packed her stuff, avoiding the group of girls that bothered her the entire day. She was so sick of letting them affect her, but after all they were telling her stuff she already expected. No matter how much she tried to think rationally, her heart was getting involved.

The warm light gently touched her face as she walked outside of the building, heading to her house. None of the sounds around her seemed to actually get to her ears. All she could hear were her own thoughts.

Just when she was about to step into the garden of her house she stopped. Maybe Ed was there, where they decided to meet. Maybe he wanted an explanation. The girl considered it for a few moments then decided. Even if her heart might get broken again, she just couldn't let a boy like him go away because she was afraid to open up.

After dashing down her street and crossing the entire park, she finally spotted him. Ed was sitting on a bench, at the edge of the lake, his brown hair contrasting with the colored trees. His chocolate eyes were fixed on the water and his hands kept moving in a nervous act.

Lorraine suppressed a smile and walked to the bench, regaining her breath. Just when he was about to get up and leave with disappointment she stopped next to the bench. His eyes widened, shining with a spark of hope.

'You came,' he said with a low voice and her heart skipped a beat from the emotions.

'I came.'

Her bag hit the bench as she sat next to him.

'I am sorry about what happened this morning...'

'It's alright.'

'No, it's not,' she interrupted with a sad voice. 'I am so tired of letting people making me suffer, so I tend to close myself when someone is trying to get close to me.'

'What made you think I wanted to fool you? Because the entire day I have been thinking about what you said and I just can't understand what I have done.'

'You haven't done anything. It's just that...'

Lorraine stopped talking for a few moments and avoided his intrigued eyes.

'Ruby and all her friends kind of cornered me in the bathroom today. She told me that no matter how nice you are, you are doing it just so you could mock me.'

'I would never do that!' Ed protested with a sudden anger toward those girls.

'And they made me realize that's what happened to me my entire life. Each time I trusted someone, I was ending up hurt. No one believes me, Ed. And probably you won't either.'

'Try me.'

When her eyes met his ones, he smiled to her comforting.

'I see things,' she began with a small voice. 'Things that others don't. I feel what normal people can't.'

She threw him a short glare to see his expression. He was a bit confused.

'I have visions. Visions that show me the hidden part of the reality.'

That's what he understood. His mouth opened a bit, understanding. Wait, was he really understanding?

'When I was little,' he talked after a few moments of silence. 'I was terrified by a demon. No one believed me, so I didn't exactly have what to do. Until one day, I couldn't sleep anymore and I rushed to my father. He couldn't see it, but it was under my bed.'

He pulled something out of his pocket. A crucifix.

'He gave me this and forced me to face my fears. And that's how I got rid of the demon.'

'Wait. So you are like me?'

'Oh no. What you have is special. I am telling you that I have seen that side of the world too.'

'You did?'

The shock from her face was obvious. She felt something warm coming from him and that's how he knew he was being honest. She couldn't explain it, but she just knew when people were lying.

'I believe you, Lorraine,' he said with an understanding voice and placed his hand over hers.

~Aww, they found each other. The next chapter will become a bit scary, so keep an eye on the story for the update. Please vote and share it to other people who may like it💚~

Meant to be|Ed and Lorraine Warren fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now