Chapter 5

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'Something feels very wrong,' Lorraine murmured as her fingers briefly touched a wall.

A strange coldness filled her body, making her shake for a second and her hands were now freezing when Ed shortly touched them. Her presence there gave him courage even though he would have felt a lot better if she was outside. In silence, he promised himself to not let her out of his sight and keep her safe, no matter what.

'Come on, let's find her and get out of here as fast as possible,' he said, throwing a short glare to the girl to make sure that she was alright.

She paled considerably and he wondered what did she feel that he and Adam couldn't.

The house was very similar to all the others from the neighborhood, except that this one was mostly ruined. The stairs were mostly broken and parts of the ceiling were dangerously hanging above their heads. Something cracked under their steps and they spotted pieces of broken glass all over the floor. It looked like everything broke itself around the place for no actual reason.

'I think we should stay as close as possible,' mumbled Adam, looking around himself with a scared look in his eyes, that not anyone had spotted.

Great advice, but apparently it turned out to be a bit harder than expected. To the right, there was a kitchen, connected to the living room and Adam headed there to check, assuming his friends were behind him. The other two were stepping to the left, inside a library, when they heard a door slam and a yell of anger.

'Adam?' shouted Lorraine back when she heard him, punching the door and forcing its knob.

However, it wouldn't open, no matter how he and Ed were forcing it.

The girl stopped looking at the books from the multiple shelves. She was about to get to the hallway, when the door from the entrance and the one that separated her from Ed slammed themselves just like the first one.

'No,' she whispered, then her voice became louder and louder. 'No, no, no, no!'

'Lorraine!' Ed screamed from the hallway and punched the door. 'Lor!'

The sound, however, began dissipating slowly in an unusual way. Everything was becoming quiet around her as she turned around from the door. Something was inside that room with her.

It suddenly felt like a cloud filled her throat, making her breathe harder. Wind swirled around the room even if outside no leaf was moving.

'We've got her...'

A whisper heard from no specific place and made Lorraine's blood freeze in her veins. She was convinced that the words were about her and she fought with herself to remain calm and not panic. Breathing in and out, she closed her eyes, the demonic feeling pressing on her lungs.

Until her hands gripped around the necklace that she hid under her shirt. The small crucifix didn't have enough power to help her in that moment, but it was all she had. A prayer left her mouth automatically and the feeling seemed to disappear after a few moments.

Ed's voice came through the door again and she opened her eyes, sighing gladly.

'Ed?' her voice came out instantly, feeling safer knowing that he was still there. 'Ed!' she said again, this time her voice actually hearing through the wood.

Her usually calm and warm voice turned now into a sad whimper of exhaustion. Yet, Ed felt a lot better, knowing that she was still there after she hadn't answered for minutes. No matter what happened to her inside, he knew she needed help.

Out of nowhere, the doors let themselves be opened one by one like they closed. Adam was the first one to get out, clearing his throat and coughing, covered by dust, but not harmed.

'Where is she?' he asked with a scared look in his eyes.

As an answer, the door between them opened and she let herself fall in Ed's arms, sobbing. Her lips were a bit purple and her face was just as white as the paper.

'What happened in there?' Ed murmured in her neck, inhaling her sweet smell and silently thanking God that she was there.

Not answering, she held him tighter before splitting. With speed, she wiped away her tears, but the terror didn't disappear.

'We have to find her. Fast.'

None of the boys had to ask anything. They dashed on the stairs, with Lorraine between them like they agreed she needed a shield. The truth was that they both knew she didn't exactly need it since she was stronger than any other, but they felt better if they protected her.

A cry heard from one of the rooms and when they headed in that direction, Ruby opened the door. She looked sick, but not visibly harmed. The three exhaled when they saw her and she didn't make any nasty remark.

'Are you okay?' asked Adam.

'Why would I not be?' she countered with a soft voice.

' screamed,' Ed pointed out with confusion.

'Yeah, I got scared by a crow or something. I am alright, let's just get out of here.'

'I couldn't agree more,' Lorraine whispered.

~And so begins their first paranormal experience. I know I am a bit inactive now, but I have a lot to study even if the school is online. It is exhausting, but writing is always my way to relax so I will try to write more often.
Anyways, please vote and leave a comment if you have any suggestion about the story💚~

Meant to be|Ed and Lorraine Warren fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now