1. Prologue

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A/N - This book was written before Captain Jeon and I do NOT appreciate any comments about them being similar. I hope for your understanding. 


Taehyung had always wondered how it would feel to drown. Just out of curiosity. Being a good swimmer himself, he had never drowned. And it had always been one of his curiosities. 

What did it feel like to drown?

But right now, with water all around him and no way out, he couldn't help but berate himself for ever having such a doubt. 

He frantically flapped his arms, trying to swim upwards and get out of wherever he was. But no matter how much he swam, he never seemed to reach the top. 

'Ohh, god. I'll never even hurt an ant if I get out of this alive' he prayed as he frantically swam upwards. 

'Yaaasssss' his mind screamed when he finally felt a bit of light filter through the water. He swam faster and finally felt oxygen burst into his lungs as his head popped out of the water. 

He took a few breaths to calm his burning lungs down before turning to his sides to see if he could find a shore. 

He realized two things. 

One - it was night.
Two - he seemed to be in a lake of some sort as he could see land on all sides. 

Sure, he had quite a bit of a distance to swim, but the land was there. 

He quickly calculated the distance to each side mentally and decided to swim towards the nearest side. 

He panted as he flopped onto the ground, trying his hardest to catch his breath. 'Where the hell am I? How did I even end up here? Wait a fucking second!!!! Where the hell is Jiminie?!?!?!' he thought as he jumped up to his feet. 

"JIMINIE!!! JIMIN!! MIN-AH!! PARK JIMIN!!" he yelled at the top of his lungs without caring about how his voice seemed to cut through the eerie silence of the night. 

"Who are you?" a deep voice sounded behind him, sending shivers down his spine. He slowly turned around to face the man. 

'What's up with his clothes?' was the first thought that ran through his mind the second he took in his clothes. The man wore what seemed to be warriors' clothes. 

"I shall ask you again, who are you?" the man asked again. 'What's up with his language?' he thought as he blurted out his name. 

"Are you a spy?" the man asked. "What?! No!" Taehyung exclaimed. "Are you from Alyndus's camp?" the man asked again, moving closer to Taehyung. 

Taehyung made a nasty face as he scanned the man from head to toe. "What the hell are you even talking about?" he asked. For some reason, it infuriated the man. 

"How dare you talk to me like that?" the man asked. "Like what?" Taehyung asked, genuinely confused. 

'What did I say?' he asked himself. But before he could form another thought, the man advanced further. 

"Woah, woah, woah!! Calm your tits, okay?! What the fuck?!" he asked, which just infuriated the man further. He turned Taehyung harshly and tried to pull his hands behind his back. 

Taehyung struggled to free himself. After a couple of minutes of struggling, he freed himself from the man's hold and ran for his life without giving a damn about his friend. 

He ran as fast as his legs could take him, without any particular direction. He just ran wherever his legs took him. 

He looked behind him a couple of times as he ran. 'Holy hell!' he thought as he realized that two other men with same kind of weird clothes joined the previous man. 

'Oh, god! What kind of stupidity is this? Why am I being chased by unknown people with weird clothes in an unknown land?!' he thought as he ran. 

His eyes finally spotted what seemed like lines of tents. "HELP!! SOMEONE HELP ME!!" he yelled as he ran towards the tents. His lungs burned and screamed for oxygen, but he knew he would be killed if he stopped. 

"HELP!!" he yelled, looking around for a safe tent. His eyes landed on the biggest tent of all. 'That seems the safest' he thought as he zoomed into it, ignoring all the men who ran behind him and yelled at him to stop. 

'Great! Now I have a whole herd behind me. Just great!' he thought as he ran right into the tent. 

"Help me! Some weird people are running after me!" he panted as he skidded to a stop right in front of a really handsome man with a deep cut on his forearm. Another short man seemed to be treating the wound. 

'What's with all these clothes? Why are they all dressed as if they are living in the BC era?' a fleeting thought passed his head. 

The handsome man raised his head with a frown. "Who are you? How did you enter this tent?" he asked. 


"Do you even know who you are talking to, you peasant?" the man asked. "Peasant?! PEASANT?!?! WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TO CALL ME A PEASANT, YOU ASSHOLE?!?!" Taehyung yelled at him, ignoring how the man turned red from anger. 

"Your Majesty! Our deep apologies! We will have him thrown into the dungeons immediately" the man who chased him rushed into the tent and bowed to the handsome man in front of him. 


Hello, guys :D

Welcome to my ninth book :DD

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