8. Trishna's story scared Sankalpa more than ghost stories.

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" Baby your teddy is too big to travel with us how about we take you mini teddy with us ? " Trishna asked purvi who in return nodded with a smile. Sankalpa who came from hospital took a bath than sat with mother and daughter. It was a huge Strom outside and they were sitting quite cozily with each other.

" papa , why maa Durga has ten hands and we only two ? " sankalpa took her in his lap and told " With ten hands maa durga killed many demons and made many small angels safe . " he than told her about the story of maa Durga and Pari listened with interest. After that she played with her parents but since Trishna has to do lots of packing she made purvi eat early and made her sleep. As she fall a sleep she packed the bags since they will leave in two days. After the work she made two cup of tea and sat with Sankalpa near a window.

" I love rain very much , their is calmness , so beautiful ..." Said trishna while sipping her tea. " Trishna your name in bengali means thirst is that why you like rain ?." asked sankalpa to which she gave him a look which says ' Really that was not funny. ' sankalpa laughed and told " Think I got infected by your bad jokes." Trishna rolled her eyes at him and started enjoying the rain.

" Tapur tupur dristi nupur.....( bengali song. The song is their you can watch it. My favourite song. I took it from YouTube ) " Trishna began to humm the song. " Hey ! that's a bengali song you know it." asked sankalpa with curiosity. " Just the lyrics meaning I had to Google but its really nice song. " she said. Sankalpa took a big sip of tea and nodded.

" Perfect weather for ghost stories . " said Trishna to which sankalpa's eyes lit up. He told " Aren't you afraid of ghost and all ?"
Trishna smiled and told " A bit but can't resist a good story. Do you know any ? " she asked. To which sankalpa thought to scare her with ghost stories.  " Yes , I happen to know one but being a gentleman myself must say ladies first. " Trishna sat upright and told " The weather is too romantic for me so let's tell you a love story. " sankalpa agreed so she began.

" Their was a girl called savanna who use to stay with her parents and her younger brother. Her parents were very old fashioned they never loved savanna they just dots on their son steep. Savanna like other girls of her Colony use to work on factory where her brother use to go school and study. The place savanna use to work their she saw her young master Henry and was deeply in love with him but henry never loved her back. Savannas parents for whom she was a burden married her off to another man. " she took little pause and sipped some tea than began.

" Her husband Harrison was a nice man , he never hurted her or forced her to do anything , the marriage was carried out by both of them like responsibilities with no love involved. Savanna had a son with Harrison still the relationship didn't improve between them. Savanna dreamed about Henry and always neglected her family and her son. Harrison slowly got fed up of her and found someone in his office that he admired. On other hand savanna came to know the dream she was chasing was a huge lie and. the only truth she has is her husband. She tried to go back to him. Love him but he was no more her Harrison. " she stopped for a bit to organize her thoughts and than started.

" Once Harrison told her ' the veil of responsibility must be heaver than love ' but poor guy he failed. He gave divorce to savanna and took his daughter....I mean son with him and married his new love. Life was good when one day he meet savanna on the hospital he worked. He wanted to ignore her but she stopped him and asked ' Are you happy Harrison ? ' to which he of course said ' yes ' and than she asked ' Do you want me to leave ? " again he said yes . She walked away , that day while taking a body in the morgue harrison saw a disarranged body and went to cover but what schoked him was it was savannas body. He asked the other doctor that when she died and how he saw her in the lobby few minutes ago. ' The doctor replied  'The body came here two days ago. Just the day you got married. That's why you don't know.' and that's the end of the story. " she again looked out of her window.

" She died. How ? Why ? " asked sankalpa. Trishna who was playing with rain water replied " she was depressed. A person who lost everything , I think she had an accident.....or she committed suicide  " the cool droplets of water are touching her fingers , she is having her best time.

" She told Harrison that she loves him ? She told him how important he was for her ? " sankalpa went on asking. " No , the moment she Wanted to tell he already asked for divorce and she never thought of all the people Harrison will be the person who will leave her , but that was not his fault either. He tried to fulfill his duties but got no cooperation. And when he thought to leave he didn't knew she can love him so much that a simple divorce can kill her. " she replied.

Suddenly their was a huge thunder and next thing they hear a crying sound . They reached purvi's room and saw her crying. Trishna took her in her arms and comforted her. " Maa is here , papa is here , don't cry no one can hurt you baby. " Trisha and sankalpa made her lie in the bed and than coaxed her to sleep. Trishna kissed her for head than lied next to her to sleep. After sometimes the thunders stops and purvi goes into deep sleep. Even trishna slept at that time sankalpa pulled her near him and hugged her. Her story made him more scared than other ghost stories. He can't say about  her but he really can't survive without her ...never. He gave a little kiss on purvi's cheeks and one on Trishna's forehead. He promised himself that he will love her till death part them. 

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