chapter fifty one

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Easter weekend, 1998
Alora Slater POV

Draco practically begged me not to make us go home. His father had asked us to come to the Manor for a week to discuss some things. It was mandatory, but Draco wanted to be anywhere but with his father. The two Malfoy men hadn't gotten along in years, but the tensions this year were disgustingly raised.

"Please, Alora. We can just hide out here, it'll be fine, they won't come and hunt us down."

"You're going to get us killed because you and your father are acting like children!"

"I am not acting like a child, he's just a gormless git!"

"Oh, grow up, will you? It's one week out of your time."

"I won't speak to him."

"Silent treatment? Very mature. Whatever, I'll do the talking then. You can mope around and cry to your mother."


"Well, come on, Draco. You sound absolutely mad. Run away? What is wrong with you!"

"I'll go finish packing," he grumbled.

"Yes, you will. I'll come up and get you when we need to leave. If you aren't ready we're leaving without your things, do you understand?"

"What are you, my babysitter? I'm seventeen, Slater."

"Stop acting like a baby then!"

He shot a scowl my way before storming off up the male's dormitory stairs. Obviously I didn't want to go either, but it's not like we had much of a choice. Running away or hiding here seems like a good idea until you realize we'd be dead before you could say "Death Eater." It was only a week, and we barely had to see his parents if we didn't want to.

I know he practically despises his father, but there was no reason for us to end up dead to avoid him. There was only a meeting one day, we would have the rest of the time to ourselves. It wasn't safe for people to leave their homes anywhere, but Draco and I could usually manage if we needed to sneak off for some alone time some days.

The Death Eaters were worried, especially the Dark Lord. There was news a little while ago that Potter and his friends broke into Gringotts and escaped on a dragon. Absolute madness if you ask me, but those three were never right in the head. I hated to admit it, but I did admire their courage, I guess there was a reason they were put in that god-awful house.

   Draco trudged down the stairs half an hour later and met me with his things. I honestly didn't think he would show... I planned to go up there and drag him out by the ear. He rolled his eyes at me when I smiled goofily at him, then grabbed my hand and pulled me to the door.

   "Where are you two going?" A voice called from behind us.

   "We'll be back in a week, Pansy," Draco groaned.

   "That wasn't what I asked."

   "Going home for Easter."

   "You can't just leave. Why do the two of you get special treatment around here? Take turns shagging the Carrows to get your way?"

   Draco and I both cringed at that statement, what was up her ass? She hadn't questioned any of our departures this year, so why now? I had a feeling we wouldn't be leaving anytime soon so I dropped my bag to the floor beside my feet and turned around to face her. Draco urged me to just ignore her, but I wanted to see what she had to say.

   "Don't be a pillock, Parkinson," I said.

   "Well? The rest of us want out too."

   "It's not that simple."

   "Did Draco's daddy buy special privileges for you? With his wealth and Death Eater connections? Off to kiss his ass?"

   "Shove off," Draco growled.

   "You know, Malfoy, you would never have put up with this... you went soft. All for a fuck buddy. There are better options than Slater if that's all you're in for, but you chose the biggest slag out of them all."

   "What the hell's gotten into you, bitch?" I asked.

   "You really are dead from the neck up, aren't you? She's my fucking girlfriend, Parkinson, and has been for nine months."

"I was your girlfriend once, it doesn't mean much to you."

Draco grabbed my arm roughly and tried dragging me towards the door, but I shook him free from my sleeve. I wanted to hear what else she had to say, even if it was rubbish about me. She was fine this morning and now all of a sudden she's bitch of the year? Interesting. I nodded for Draco for him to go wait outside, which he did, not before slamming the door unnecessarily hard behind him.

   "Do you have a problem with me?" I asked curiously.

   "I have many problems with you," she bit back.

   "Care to enlighten me as to what they are? You're being rather... childish."

   "You take everything. You get everything. You have the most perfect little life, and you walk around here like everything is wrong."

   "My life is far from perfect."

   "You've somehow got the person who hated you most wrapped around your finger. You're invincible in this joke of a prison. Snape and the Carrows practically worship the ground you and Draco walk on."

   "That's not true."

   "It is! Are you bloody blind? What, are you a Death Eater too or something?" She screeched, my heart dropped.

   Of course I couldn't tell her the truth, but I didn't want to lie to her either. I don't know what caused this sudden jealous outburst, but it was completely immature and rather annoying. Draco was waiting for me, she wasn't worth getting into a cat fight with, she would never back down and I didn't have time to go at it with her right now.

   "You're mad, the Cruciatus Curse must be getting to you. Goodbye, Pansy."

   "Yeah, run away from your problems, you pathetic, spoiled bitch."

   "Flipendo!" I yelled, whipping around and aiming my wand directly at her.

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