Don't say it..

7 1 1

I woke up in an unknown room. My vision was a bit blurry for a minute.

I closed my eyes and opened it again. I saw Wilson and my friends sleeping next to me.

I wanted to stand but I felt a sharp pain all over my body.

My noise woke them up.

" Are you ok" "does it hurt ??"

No I feel good, real good. Like I am sleeping in a bed of flowers.
I said within.

Trying not to be rude I didn't say anything.  Why didn't you guys take me to a hospital ??

Tristan called his family doctor. Ada responded.  "He is hot" Cindy joined in.

I wanted to fake something but you took all the time. I think he is like 23 or something. So my style.

We laughed at her. Wilson walked out, he left the room leaving us surprised. "What's with him" Ada asked.

You are bruised almost everywhere. What happened ??

I was talking to a guy and later we went outside for some fresh air. I found out he was a dick so I wanted to leave.
Unfortunately, some other dudes kidnapped me.

I didn't even notice the tears that fell off my face. I was so scared. Thanks to who ever entered with a gun. That will be Chimdi. Cindy responsed

Who is he??
He is new in our school but he already has a name, he is very popular especially among the girls. So I am guessing he is hot asf. Ada asked.

Cindy why didn't you tell us all this before. I said slightly annoyed.  Well I want to see him and thank him.

He left as soon as we found you. Till Monday.

My phone rang and it was Wilson's mom. "Shit" what time is it ??

About ten I think. We all screamed at once. "We don die o"
We should probably prepare our graves now, our parents will kill us.

Cindy stop with your jokes your creeping me out more.

I had to stand even with the pain. Grabbing my things, she called again. I picked it.

This girl what is wrong with you ehn. Check your phone and tell me the time. I should call your parents and inform them about today.

Although she kept on yelling at the top of her voice. I had to beg her not to tell my parents.

I am sorry ma, we were studying for our test next week. Ada tried not to laff out. She covered her mouth tight as she jumped around.

I give you five minutes or I will report this matter and never let you leave the house unless required. She hung up.

My friends helped me to the car. Thanks again Tristan for the Uber. We waved good bye and zoomed off.


   I tried my best to hid my injuries, for it will only fuel the fire. After listening to nearly twelve mins insults and advise. She let me go.

I got to my room and broke down in tears. I felt horrible. Thinking a change of environment will be better for me but it's the opposite.

I slowly fell on my knees but sat and relaxed on the door. Holding my legs together up to my chest. I kept on crying.

I walked back to my bed and slept off.

I woke up and checked my phone. I had five missed calls from my friends. I called Kelly back, one of my new friend.

I heard about what happened at the party. How are you feeling ?
Well the pain is still there but all is good. I don't know how to tell you but check the school's website. Your the trending topic.

What, how ??

Just check. She ended the call. I immediately opened the website.

Khloe Gabeman got beaten up due to her refusal to pay her debts.

                  Story by Nnedu Maddy

"The heck now" that idiot. I am freaking pissed. Maddy you bitch. The one thing I despise is pity. I hate it when people look at me with so much pity.

People walking up to me to ask useless questions like they care. Especially the apologies I get. I hate feeling helpless.


I hid my phone and pretended to still be asleep. Mrs Will entered my room. She tapped me. I got a call from one of your teachers.

What are they talking about ?
Who hit you ?
What money ?

I am sorry ma, but I don't borrow money from people. I indeed got beaten up yesterday. Some dudes kidnapped me when I was about to leave.

Why didn't you tell me ??
What if you were rapped or something. I am here to take care of you. Get dressed, we are going to the hospital.

Mia entered my room. Khloe I need a new school bag. She saw Mrs Will and greeted her.

She carried mia. Mia next time come and meet me ok. Khloe will dress you up then we can shop for your school bag. "Thank you ma".

Mrs Will left the room.

We did some minor check up on my injuries and I was given pain relief to reduce the pain.

We stopped at a large supermarket.

Reaching the bag collection, we saw different types of school and fancy bags. Mia jumped at the sight of frozen designed school bag. "I like this one" and that one to. She pointed at a sleeping beauty back pack it came with a water bottle and a lunch box.

Mia that one will be expensive. I told her in a low tone. Unfortunately, Mrs Will heard us.
No need khlo she can have the bag. Mia smiled so wildy.

  I saw a GIVENCHY fancy bag. I see you like the bag. I squeezed my face in embarrassment murmming   "ha chincha" ( my favorite Korean term).

Listen khloe if you want something just say it, don't be embarrassed, consider me your second mother ok.

I can't accept this. It's expensive you have done more than enough for my family.

When an elderly person offers a gift you should accept. She took the bag and paid for it. 

I thanked her continuously. She dropped me off at school alongside mia. I was to process her all her paperwork and see her to class.

We went to the junior block and processed all the necessary work.

Mia if you need anything ask your teacher ok. I hugged her and left for class.

Thankfully I missed just two period. I entered my class and all eyes were on me. I prayed the ground will swallow me right now.

During break Ada and the rest kept me company. But I couldn't even count how many students and teachers asked about the incident.

Some kept on blabbing rubbish and judging me.
" I'm sure she's broke"

I heard a junior boy say. The nerves of the guy. "That's it"

I stomped off and ran to Maddy's class. I grabbed her by her collar. "You bitch"

What the fuck are you doing ?
She asked angrily.  Listen Paddy, Maddy, Nancy or Fancy what ever you call yourself, better tell the truth or else.

She stood up "or else what bitch"

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Xoxo🦄💓

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