Get Me Out of Here

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I stand in the kitchen frying a lazy omelette for dinner as I study Finnick, sitting on the couch with his face screwed up and ignoring Chairman Meow's attempts to cuddle with him (which is unusual for Finnick). I shrug and look down at the eggs before Finnick walks past me to the fridge. 

"Don't lean your head over it so much, you'll get glitter in the omelette." Finnick grumbles.

I sigh and put my spatula down as I turn to look at the back of Finnick's head whilst he searches through the fridge.

"Ok, what is going on? You've barely talked to me for two days and when you have it's just been snarky side remarks. This isn't about the thing with Seraphima again is it?"

"Of course it is." Finnick replies as he turns to me and shuts the fridge behind him. "You went behind my back and pretended to go out with her just so you could get some stupid potion ingredients off of her. I'm not going to let that go so quickly Magnus."

"Oh Finnick." I say as I take a step towards him. "You're so adorable when you're mad, your nose twitches." 

I lean forward and press my lips to his nose but he places a hand on my chest and steps away.

"Don't. You can't do that, not this time. You can't kiss everything away like you always do when you want to avoid confrontation."

"I've already told you that I'm sorry." I protest.

"You seemed more interested in fixing your eyeliner at the time." Finnick says with a pause as he bites his lip. "Your eggs are going to burn." He mumbles.

With that Finnick walks out of the kitchen, his cat Annie following closely at his heels.

I let out a small groan and slide the omelette onto a plate. After turning off the stove I follow Finnick into the living room and reach out to wrap my fingers around his wrist.

"I thought you would understand Finnick."

"If you thought I would understand then why didn't you tell me? Why did you wait for me to walk into some cafe and find you snuggling up to a faerie?"

I say nothing and open my lips as I wait for the words to come, and at this Finnick rolls his eyes and shakes his head.

"Exactly Magnus. You couldn't trust me, could you? Didn't want me to ruin your fun?"

"It wasn't like that." I plead. "I needed ingredients and she was the only place to get them from, but I knew she wouldn't give them to me unless I pretended to have a different motive. It was just work Finnick, you'll understand one day."

"Stop saying that! Stop acting like I'm some young child who doesn't understand a single thing about the world."

"But you are young. And adorable."

At this Finnick glares at me and makes his way out of the door.

"Finnick." I plead. "Come on, it was a joke." I say as I follow Finnick whilst he steps into the elevator.

"Magnus, please just leave!"

But it's too late as the doors slide shut behind us. Finnick groans and steps back against the cold, metal wall. 

"It looks like now you're the one avoiding confrontation." 

"Yes, because clearly you don't take me seriously enough to have a proper talk about this!" Finnick argues.

"Finnick, I don't know why you're so upset about this! You know she meant nothing to me."

"Why am I so upset about this? You're my boyfriend Magnus, you're not supposed to go out on dates and get cozy with anyone but me, whether it's fake or not! I don't know why you don't see that." He shuts his eyes and shakes his head. "I don't know why I even bother."

A Finnick and Magnus FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now