Not Another Cat

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I sit alone on the floor of my apartment as I wax my legs, bobbing my head up and down to the music playing. I rip off another wax strip when I hear a series of loud noises coming from next door. 

"I'm getting a strange sense of de ja vu." I say to Chairman Meow.

The loud noises continue so I stand up and tighten my robe as I walk to Finnick's apartment. I find his door open as usual so I step into the doorway, knocking on the door.

"Magnus Bane, you wouldn't be wearing only underwear under that robe would you?"

"Pants are overrated." I say with a shrug as I step inside.

My grin immediently turns into a look of confusion as I step into the apartment. Pieces of paper have flown off of the tables and onto the floor, pillows have been torn apart and Finnick sits on the floor looking exhausted with a rip in his shirt.

"What on earth happened in here?"

Before Finnick can answer a blur of fur dashes across the room and runs out of the door. I tilt my head and look at Finnick.

"You got a cat?"

"Yes, and things aren't going as smoothly as I thought. I tried to give her some flea treatment but she scratched me and then went on a bit of a rage." He says as he looks around his apartment.

I shake my head and walk over to him then kneel on the floor, making sure that my robe is covering everything. I look at the scratch through his shirt.

"Take off your shirt."

"Subtly certainly isn't your best talent." he replies.

Finnick takes off his shirt and I pull some tissues from my robe pocket, dabbing away the blood. I get a closer look at it and shrug.

"You'll be fine, this is nothing compared to the scratches I get from Chairman Meow."

I stand up and reach out my hand to pull Finnick up with me.

"Now, let's find this cat."

We walk out of his apartment together, 'forgetting' to let go of eachother's hands. I notice that I left my door open and that a large amount of meowing is coming from inside.

"Finnick Odair, if your cat has destroyed my apartment I may just kill you."

We walk inside of my apartment, and to my relief I don't see any damage. We follow the sound of meows to find Chairman Meow and Finnick's cat together, walking in circles around eachother. I laugh and bend down to get a better look at Finnick's cat.

"Here's the culprit. What's her name?"


"That's a sweet name." I say as I reach out my hand and watch as she slowly makes her way over to me before rubbing her head against the back of my hand. "Look at her, she's so sweet, I don't know how you managed to get her to go crazy."

"I'm just not good with cats like you are." Finnick says with a frustrated look on his face.

I look at his face and smile, he's adorable when he's frustrated. I rest a hand on his bare shoulder.

"Relax, I'll help you take care of her. It's not as hard as it seems."

"Thank you Magnus." Finnick says as he looks into my eyes, and for a moment I can feel my heart racing.

Our moment is ruined by Annie as she claws at the straps of my robe, making it fall down beside my face. I look down and shrug.

"I guess that makes two of us shirtless now."


I stand in front of a mirror reapplying my eyeshadow when a frantic Finnick runs in through my door. I barely have time to ask what's wrong before he opens his mouth and start to speak.

"I've lost her. I was about to feed her but when I looked around for her I couldn't find her anywhere. I've searched every inch of my apartment but she's not anyway in there. I can't believe I let her get out of my sight."

I instantly know that he is talking about his cat Annie and I place my eyeshadow on the table. I walk over to him, my heart melting at his sad, wide eyes. 

"Hey, it will be ok. Cats like to wander, in fact I think The Chairman has gone off somewhere now. I'm sure she'll just be somewhere around the building. I'll help you find her, ok?" I reassure him.

Finnick nods and takes a deep breath. I take hold of his hand and we walk out into the hallway together. I look into Finnick's apartment and see that pillows and furniture has been moved around, and I know that there's no way Annie would be in there. 

"Ok, well if she's not in there and not in my apartment, I can only think of one place she would be. Come with me."

We walk together down the hall until we reach a set of stairs leading up to the roof. I turn my head to look at Finnick and notice that he looks slightly confused.

"What would a cat be doing on the roof?" He asks.

"I don't know." I say with a shrug. "But The Chairman always comes up here. Come on."

We walk up the stairs together, and sure enough, both Chairman Meow and Annie are on the roof, sitting side beside, their tails intertwined. 

"Aww, how cute, it's like they're on a date." Finnick exclaims.

"I told you not to be worried. I'm sure once they finish their 'date' she'll come back home. It's just a cat thing."

I bend down to pat both on them on their heads before I  make my way over to the balcony, Finnick following behind. I rest my elbows on the railing and look out at the bright city lights. 

"I always like to come up here too, look at the buildings and the lights and take it all in." I say, mesmerized by the city. 

I slowly turn my head as I notice Finnick looking at me, an odd smile on his face. I blink the city lights out of my eyes and smile at him too. Before I know it we are suddenly leaning towards eachother, other eyes softly closing. We stop with our mouths only inches away from eachother, and suddenly stumble back laughing.

"Did we almost just?" Finnick asks as he clutches his stomach.

"It's been a weird night."

(this is all before they get together and they are just friends)

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