A little help

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after the little feud the club had the other two showed up a little later. At the end of the day they went home rested well and continued on till the next day, some of them practiced at home while others relaxed.The next day  at the music club Zander hadn't shown up yet somewhat worrying Haliey and Jake. Haliey how ever calmed herself down and said"he'll come today after all he was fine just this morning", hearing Haliey saying that helped Jake to calm down and out of no where came busting through the door"Sorry i'm late!"Zander said while panting. "i can see someone was running.. i'm just glad he's okay"Jake thought as the others greeted him Haliey how ever just sat there and notcied Jakes look of pure relief.  " guess someone truley does care huh" Haliey mumbled under her breath, "Ight- time to start practicing" Haliey snapped back as everyone went quiet, "Alright lets get this started" Millie yelped. Zander snapped back at what Millie said calming her hype a little. After practice Luke said" great job Jake, ya did great"   "thanks" Jake replied back not paying attention to what they were say, Jake had his eyes set on Zander. "i'm going home now bye, also great work everybody"Zander said while waving bye to everyone not noticing Jake was starring, "Hey Jake mind staying after?" Haliey said cut through to Jake"huh oh yeah, sure." Jake replied back.After everyone had left Haliey had turned around closed the door and asked "so Jake i noticed you were paying attention to Zander, got a crush?"
   "Wait what!.. of course not" Jake said stuttering a bit to the point Haliey could tell he was lying or unsure. "sounded pretty unsure there bud"Haliey said not phased .

    "...Okay maybe a little but i'm not too sure"Jake said holding his head looking down while blushing a bit.  "i'll help you figure that out as for confession you'll have to do that on your own" Haliey said while opening the door a bit indicating he could leave now"heh thanks" Jake said as he walked out the door shaking her hand. Soon after they dealt with school and went home, when Jake got home he thought about what Haliey had said"i'll help you figure that out as for confession you'll have to do that on your own"..."heh guess i'll wait till tomorrow to tell her i accept her help" After that Jake had dozed off.


   End of chapter 2 hope ya liked it this took a lil i'll work on chapter 3 tomorrow  
                this is fine

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