Nudge in the right direction

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As Jake was on his way to tell Hailey his answer he was interrupted by a big sound. . .
  it was Millie who had dropped something as she shoved it behind her back soon after, Jake a little confused went over to help Millie up but before he could say anything she had ran off as if she had been caught of doing something... "Glad you could make it" Hailey said in a positive tone . "I've finally  decided .. i accept" Jake replied. Hailey turned around and said"i'll  get to it then".. a sigh of relief brings Jake joy as he knows now he has a better chance at getting Zander..
|with someone else|
As Zander was lost in thought he was taped on the shoulder he was confused as he turned around to see Hailey waiting for him.. "Hey Zander i know we have not been on the best of terms with Jake but i don't see why we can't give him chance.. or well you haven''t been giving him too much of a great chance"  Hailey said as to nudge him in the right direction, as for Zander he replied in a bit of a stern yet normal tone"I've been giving him a chance i just don't have a good feeling about him.."Zander also somewhat blushed but then stopped as he turned back around and spat out" why would you care if i gave him a actual chance?" Hailey stopped dead in her tracks and thought for a bit ... then she knew her answer that didn't completely give it away but it was related to the really reason she was doing this,"Because i know he's not truly a bad guy .. if you give him a real chance you would know that, you know he does care it just takes a bit"..."Hmph, while i'll think about it" Zander said as her started to wonder off as he tried to read his book...By now it was time for the music club to practice, as all the club members gathered up to practice Zander had almost messed up because of something he was thinking about, no one but Luke,Hailey, and Jake noticed. As the club started to clean up and leave Jake had stayed behind with Zander "Are you okay?' Jake asked worried "Yeah yeah i'm fin now lets get going "Zander said as he draged Jake out by the wrist then letting go as he started to head home...Jake how ever could tell something was up, Hailey how ever knew what she was doing..
  THANK YOU FOR READING CHAPTER THREE!! i was really unmotivated back there but i finally had the motivation to finish this also thank you for waiting this long for chapter 3

   hope ya liked it!

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