Bad News and Potential Heartbreak

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“That’s good! Ok, we are going to stop at the hospital and see mommy and pick up Autumn and then grab aunt Zoey and Ty. Then we wil get dinner and then go home so that you can open your birthday presents!” Zed cheered as he drove to the hospital. “YAY!” Brooklyn screamed from the back seat. But little did Zed know, tonight’s plans were about to take a turn for the worse. 

As Zed and Brooklyn entered the hospital they were immediately met by Autumn. 

“Zed…” Autumn looked up at him as tears threatened to escape her eyes.

“Hey babe, what’s wrong?” Zed asked, but he had a sick feeling in his stomach that he knew what was wrong. 

“Zed i’m so sorry. She’s gone” Zed looked at Autumn and then to Brooklyn who was standing by him waiting to go see her mom.

“Umm can you please call Zoey and Ty, Umm tell them we aren’t picking them up. We will be over to Ty’s in a few. Umm I need to tell Brooklyn, she wont understand.” Autumn felt her heart break as she watched Zed walk over to a chair and sit Brooklyn on his lap.

“Hey sweetie, I have to talk to you about something.” Zed said as he looked down at the small three year old on his lap. “Brooklyn, Mommy got more sick and she… umm she isn’t here anymore. We can’t go see her.” Zed said as Brooklyn’s small hand grabbed his finger as she smiled at him, clearly having no idea what was going on. Zed looked over at Autumn as he picked up Brooklyn as the three of them headed to the car.   

-Two weeks later-

Zed had been having a hard time the last week. Eve’s parents had come down to Georgia from Seabrook for her funeral and that had just been a nightmare for Zed. Eve’s father wasn't a huge fan of Zed after he got his daughter pregnant and then left. Zed knew her dad didn’t like him, but he kept his cool for Brooklyn’s sake. After the funeral Zed and Autumn were getting ready to take a sleeping Brooklyn home when Eve’s dad stopped them.

“Can I have a word with you Zed?” The older man asked as he walked up to him. Zed took a deep breath before shaking his head yes and handing Brooklyn to Autumn.

“Zed we want Brooklyn to come back to Seabrook with us. She will be more happy being in a familiar place with her friends and family.” Zed could feel his blood boiling as he listened to his words. 

“WHAT NO!! I am Brooklyn’s father, she is staying with me and Autumn!” Zed yelled as he turned to walk back to the truck.

“You may be her father, but you were never around!” Eve’s father yelled at Zed, causing him to turn his attention back to him.

“I was around more than you know! And I will do whatever I have to to keep you from taking my daughter fromme. She is only 3 and just lost her mother, she may not understand what is going on, but I promise you no one is taking her from me!” Zed yelled as he felt his anger growing. Zed turned back to go to his truck this time not being stopped. Autumn could see how angry and upset Zed was as he got into the truck, but she knew better than to ask after the screaming match she just hurd Zed and Eve’s father in the middle of the cemetery. Later that night after he had put Brooklyn to bed, Zed laid in bed and thought of every time he went back to Seabrook to see Eve and Brooklyn.


It had been a month since Zevon moved them to Serenity. Zed was going crazy, not being able to see Brooklyn and Eve. Eventually Zed had had enough and told his father that he was going to stay with a friend for a while, but he made sure to tell Zoey exactly where he was going. After getting out of Serenity Zed called Eve to tell her that he was coming back for a while and that only Zoey knew. Eve told him to go to her aunts as her father would not be happy if he was at their house, so Zed made his way to Eve’s aunt's house. Once at the house Zed saw Eve’s cousin Addison greet him at the front door. After about 5 minutes Eve showed up with Brooklyn and Zed couldn't be happier. Throughout the years Zed would sneak back every month to Seabrook and stay at Addison’s so that no one knew he was back. 

The next morning Zed was making Brooklyn breakfast when there was a knock on the door.

“Mr. Necrodopolis, you have been served.” The man said as he handed Zed an envelope. Zed closed the door before opening the letter.

“Mr. Necrodopolis you are being served on the rights of child neglect and not letting the child go back home with her grandparents. You will need to appear in court tomorrow where the judge will make a final decision.”

“SHIT!” Zed mumbled as he pulled out his phone to call the only person that knew he was there, Addison. After an hour on the phone Addison agreed to come down and testify on Zed’s behalf. Later that night Zed showed Autumn the letter and she was enraged about the situation. The next morning Zed and Autumn dropped Brooklyn off at daycare before heading to the courthouse. Once at the courthouse Zed and Autumn waited until Zed’s case was called.

“Case #4482 will now begin” The judge announced. Zed stood and made his way to the front and took a seat next to Eve’s mother who whispered an apology to him. 

“Mr. Necrodopolis, Mr. Wells has accused you of child neglect and now not letting the child go back home with them. How do you plead?”

“Not guilty,” Zed said as he glared at Mr. Wells.

“Mr. Necrodopolis do you have a witness to testify for you?”

“Yes. I would like to ask Addison Wells to please testify for me. Eve’s parents looked at him in shock and confusion as Addison walked up to testify.

“Ms. Wells can you please tell us how you know Mr. Necrodopolis?”

“His daughters mother was my cousin”

“How can you testify that Zed was not an absent father and that the child should stay with him?”

“I have a letter and some videos that I would like to read and play for you your honor.” The judge approved as Addison pulled out her phone to play the videos on the screen. She showed them three videos, the first one of Zed at Brooklyn’s first birthday, the second of him with Eve and Brooklyn for a whole summer, and the third of Zed taking care of Eve when she first got sick, even though they didn’t know she had cancer at the time. Then she proceeded to read a letter from Eve.

“Dear Addison, Zed, and Brooklyn, If you are reading this letter it means I am no longer here. I just found out that I have breast cancer and not much longer to live, but I want to leave you three with some important information. Zed I want you to know how much I love you and how grateful I am to you for everything you have done and continue to do for me and Brooklyn. I know it is hard with you being in a completely different state, but you still make sure me and your daughter have everything we need and for that I will always be grateful to you.  Brooklyn, Mommy loves you so much. I know you are only 2 and dont understand everything that is going on, but I want you to know that no matter what your daddy will always be there for you and protect you. Addison you are the best cousin I could ask for, which is why I am asking a huge favor of you. I need help to get to Serenity so that Brooklyn can speed more time and be comfortable with Zed before I die. Once I am gone I know my dad will try to do something stupid like take Zed to court to keep Brooklyn from him, but I need you to help him. Once I am gone I need you to get the box I have stored under your bed, it has letters for Zed and letters for Brooklyn as she gets older. Please give that and the box of dvd’s of recordings of me, Zed, and Brooklyn from every time he has come back to Seabrook to see and be there with me and Brooklyn, and whatever happens please please please don't let anything take Brooklyn from Zed, they are going to need each other once I am gone.”

Once Addison finished reading the letter everyone was a sobbing mess. After an hour the judge came back out with his decision.

“Zed Necrodopolis the jury finds you….

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