Solo mission?

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HEY GUYS! This is my second FanFic >:3

I hope you guys enjoy this one too.

Note: This takes place a few months after Natsu retured from his year long training and a year since the Tartaros war.

Okay, enjoy!


Third Person POV

Lucy woke up and did her usual morning routine. She got in the habit of  preparing food first as she already knew Natsu would come barging in at any time. And as expected, he did.

"Morning, Luce!" Natsu said, waving at her.

"AYE!" Haply exclaimed.

Lucy sighed but smiled.

"Morning, Natsu and Happy, I prepared breakfast already, you can eat. I'll go take a quick shower so we can head to guild okay?"

"Mmhm!" Natsu said, already stuffing his face with food.

It's been 6 months after Natsu returned from his year long training and a few months since Fairy Tail got back together, so, the whole mess was still fresh. Lucy was still somewhat mad about Natsu leaving her while Natsu still felt guilty but he hadn't brought up the topic as he was afraid of the outcome.

Lucy though about it as she showered. She came to a decision. She would let it be and try and forget it. Afterall, Natsu is back and brought the guild back together.

Recently, Lucy has been taking solo missions, Natsu wasn't too happy about it. She would always return with injuries. However, Lucy needed the money for her rent, food, clothes, etc. That isn't the only reason. She's been feeling like a burden or..lost?

She turned the shower off, threw some clothes on, ate, and headed to the guild with Natsu and Happy.

Lucy's POV

Natsu began running and kicked open the guild doors.


Everyone sweat dropped.

"Morning, Mira!" I said as I walked towards the bar.

"Morning, Lucy! Do you need anything?"

"Well..I was thinking on going on a solo mission. They do pay a little more."

"Oh my, again? Well, I have a perfect job for you! You just need to capture a wild monster that has been tormenting this poor village near Magnolia."

"Oh, sounds much does it pay?"

"400,000 Jewels!"

My mouth dropped to the floor. 400,000 JEWELS??? That would cover my rent for at least 3 months plus any extras!

"Okay! I'll take it! Tell Natsu where I am okay? Bye!" I jumped off my seat but bumped into a fire mage.

"Tell me what?" Natsu said, though not too content. I'm sure he overheard and knows about what I'm doing already.

"Oh, I'm going on a solo mission! I'll be back tomorrow though!"

"Again? Lucy but you have been going on solos for the past 4 DAYS!"

"I'll be back tomorrow okay? Bye!"

I ran off to my job. It isn't that I don't want to be near Natsu, it's just that I need this money, I want to prove that I am strong as the others but would also like to keep my mind distracted. I've been missing my dad. No matter how much I hate him, he's still my dad.

Natsu's POV

I hate Lucy going on solo missions. She has been doing so for the past 4 DAYS. I sigh and go to the request board to see if anything is eye-catching. Nothing seems to grab my attention so I go the bar and order a drink.

"Yo flamebrain!"

Not now Gray..

"Nah, later. I'm not in the mood." I say.

"Woah, what's up with you?" Gray asks.

"He must be worried about Lucy." Mira winked.

I am. I am worried about her. She comes back with injuries all the time. I'm sick to my gut about it. I won't let her go on solos anymore.

I wonder why she has though. Is she mad at me? No...she makes breakfast to me, not to mention is super yummy!

"I'm going home. Happy you can go on a mission if you want." I say as I get up and head to the doors.

I heard Mira say something about NaLu but I didn't think much of it.

Please be careful..


Short chapter!

So how you guys like it so far :3

Things will get heated next chapter >;)

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