Exendo Lindor

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Gray's POV

It's been a couple of hours since the argument and since Lucy left. I looked around to see everybody cleaning the wreckage Natsu had made after she left.

Broken glass, tables, hole-punched walls, you name it. Flamebrain had gone home and Happy stayed at the guild with me.

Damn..Natsu went all out on her. Does he even regret any of it? He sure doesn't seem like it.

I felt a tug at my shirt and looked down to see Happy still crying.

"Is Lushee and Natsu going to solve this?" He asked, his voice cracking.

I don't blame him for crying. I myself felt like it too and I'm sure the rest felt that way as well. It was a pretty shocking argument, especially since it was from the two people who were inseparable.

I shaked my head at Happy, unsure of what to say. He hugged my tight. Ever since the fight he has found comfort with me, which is weird but I accept it.

"Gray-sama?" Juvia said.

"Yeah?" I reply.

"I-I was w-wondering how Natsu-san is feeling. Juvia thinks we should check up on him." Juvia said.

I shaked my head no at her.

"He'll...be fine. Tomorrow we'll ask him. It's to early to do so right now."

Juvia nodded and sat beside me, leaning her head against my shoulder. I slowly leaned mine against her head. Natsu..you really screwed up.

Natsu's POV

I went home and took a shower. Dammit Lucy.

I got a glass of water and leaned my head against the wall.

"I don't need this damned bastard."

"Don't expect me to come and save your sorry ass."

I got angry and and slammed the glass down on the table, the glass shattered and cut my hand.


I cleaned it up and went to the bathroom to bandaged my hand.

"Natsu! Look! I got the Fairy Tail mark on my hand!"

"It's always more fun when we're together!"

"Why should I care." I said I as I looked at myself in the mirror.

I began crying and slid down against the wall to the floor.

It might be that I'm still pretty heated up from the argument, but I feel no regret at all.

"She said she doesn't need me. Let it go Natsu. It's whatever if she doesn't come back." I said while crying.

I went to sleep, tired of it all.

Lucy's POV

I was on the train heading to my job's location.

Out of habit, I reached down to pat Natsu's head to help him sleep as he has motion sickness...but he wasn't there this time.

I stared at my gesture and began crying. I'm so stupid...all because I selfishly wanted to distract myself from all the chaos!

I cried and cried, remembering Natsu's words. They hurt me a lot. We had never argued, at least not in a serious manner. It's my fault. I made him angry. He's right. My problems are meaningless compared to his. He won't talk to me after this. Why should I care? It's not like he cares.

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