Chapter 2

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Yibo's POV

"Welcome everyone! I'm Lui Haikuan, CEO of Liu Corporation. By the way, this is Mr. Xiao Zhan my business partner and also the CEO of this company. " I heard a man speak.

After hearing his name, I slowly lift my head and flinch discovering that he's looking at me.

It's really him, my Xiao Zhan.

He's looking so cold and I can feel it traveling through my whole body, that gives shivers to me. I tightened my grip on Seungyoun's arm. Zhan-ge's gaze travel to my hand holding Seungyoun, I saw him frowned but immediately turn to smirk.

The meeting started but i don't know what are they talking about, because all of my attention is only for one person, to my Zhan-ge. He didn't change a bit after those years, he's still stunning and handsome, except to the cold aura that he's giving.

His eyes that giving a warm and pleasant feeling back then, but now it's all gone. It's all change to cold, serious and intimidating look that will make you submissive by just his gaze.

The meeting just ended like that without me knowing and paying attention, but just focus on Zhan-ge admiring him the whole time.

(A/N: well I'm just a lazy af to describe the whole thing. Let's just say they talk about the terms of agreement for the endorsement)

When we are almost outside of the Xiao Group building, I excuse myself to use the comfort room. Wenhan-ge and Seungyoun offer to accompany me there because my foot is still not okay, but I refuse them and said that it's fine and can handle it myself. I just use that excuse to talk to Zhan-ge.

Now, I'm on my way back to the conference room, hoping that I can still found Zhan-ge there. I'm almost there when I saw Zhan-ge walking out of the room.

"Zhan-ge", I called him. He halted his step and darted his gaze to me.

I walk towards him with much difficulty because of my sprained foot and stop infront of him. He scanned me from head to toe and back his stare to my eyes.

"What do you want?", he said with his stern cold voice. I flinch after hearing him said that but I composed myself.

"C-can we talk?", I ask

"We're already talking", he said in bored and irritated voice.

"What I-i mean is, c-can we talk in private?"

He sigh and signal me to follow him in his office. After I close the door of his office, I saw him walking directly to his table and sit in his swivel chair. I walk towards him with my wobbly feet and stop infront with approximately a meter apart from him. Being this near to him, I really wanted to throw myself to him. Hug him, be in his embrace and feel his warmth again. Those years of longing for him, yearning to be with him again. Now that he's here again infront of me, I won't waste this chance to conquer his heart again.

"Talk", he said.

I took a deep breath and calm myself before saying, " I'm s-sorry Zhan-ge. I-i know what I did is wrong. I hurt you and i know that it's all my fault. I left you behind and abandoned you without explaining to you why i did that.", I pause, take a breath and continue.. " B-but I.. I'm not ready yet. I want to pursue my dreams and-", I got cut off by a loud slam on the table, and he stood up.

"That's Bullsh*t! Just because of that you left me!? You should have just said that instead of running away. You know that I will always support you, I will understand it if you really wanted to pursue your dreams. I can wait for you, but what you did? You left me just because of that f*ck*ng excuse of yours. And now you want me to forgive you? That won't happen!", he angrily said.

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