Chapter 3

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Yibo's POV

"On the same day, we got a call from the hospital, saying that our parents are in danger. We arrived at the hospital, our parents are admitted to the ER. Then an investigator came to us, said that the plane they rode got a malfunction and crush. After hours of waiting the doctors declared their deaths. Zhan is the one who got affected the most. In just a day the three person he loved and cared the most left him. He lock himself in his room and refuse to eat for days, if I didn't insist to make him eat his meals he won't touch anything. After the burial, our grandfather talk to Zhan. He wanted Zhan to marry the daughter of one of his business partner, but Zhan got furious and reject it. Zhan lock again himself to his room, after weeks secluding himself, he finally came out but his not the smiling and cheerful Xiao Zhan before."

Those words that Xuan Lu-jie said two days ago are repeatedly ringing into my head. Knowing what exactly happened to Zhan-ge, I even more feel guilty. I wanted to be mad at myself, to hate myself to what I did, but I can't change the past. If I haven't left him that day, if I have accepted him. It won't be that much hefty to him. He won't be suffering too much. If only I were there for him, to console him to ease the pain that he's feeling.

I also can't believe to what happened. I truly love his parents, because after knowing their son's sexual orientation, they didn't go against it. They wholeheartedly accept it and give their full support to our relationship, knowing that the Xiao's are high reputation and well known in the country. And I'm fortuitous to meet them.

Our group are here again in our mundane routine, shooting and photoshoot for the endorsement. Nothing new happened, and I haven't seen Zhan-ge since our last encounter. After an our hour the director call a break since it's nearly lunch time.

We go to the room reserved to us every break for the shoot. We entered the room. I directly goes to the couch, slam my body there and play to my phone. I heard the ordering the food, I didn't bother much because they already knew what I like, so I just let them. After they finish, the came near me and encircle around me. They stare at each other, giving a knowing look, and nod their heads. I turn to Seungyoun and by the face he is giving, I think I already know what they want.

"Yibo.... Looking at your expression right now, we think you already know what we want, right?" - Yixuan-ge

I nod.

"We don't want to interfere but seeing you look lifeless and hearing you sobbing every night. We can't just stay still and let you be like that. We already miss the ebullient Yibo..... So can you explain to us how do you know Xiao Zhan? Because the first day we met him you became listless, and become more languorous after you talk to his sister." - Yixuan-ge

I sigh. I think it's the right time to say it to them. I took a deep breath and start explaining.

"I and Zhan-ge are lovers before. We-", I got cut off by their shout.

"WHAT!?", they exclaimed except Seungyoun. I want to laugh to them cause of their almost popping out eyes and mouth agape but I hold it back.

"W-What d-did you s-say!? Did I heard it right?", - Sungjoo hyung

"You heard it right hyung."

"But h-how come?", - Wenhan-ge

"It started when we are in college. I was a freshman and Zhan-ge is my senior. Our first encounter is not pleasant, because I accidentally caught him making out with a girl when I was passing by to an empty room. The next day, I saw him again doing the same thing but with a boy in our school grounds. Days passed and I always caught him doing those with different persons. Then I conclude that he's a playboy and should have to be avoided. Until one day I didn't saw him attending school, week after he came back. That time he started following and flirting me wherever I go. After two months of pestering me he confessed his, but I didn't believe him because of knowing that he's a playboy and can't be serious. But he prove me wrong, he stop playing around. He court me non-stop until I started to love him back and became official lovers. We lasted for five years full of happiness, but then."

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