Chapter 6

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Hello to my lovely readers, I'm back again with another chapter.

I'm really sorry if I haven't updated soon cause too many happened in the past week, we have our examinations, next is a typhoon struck into our place causing of many houses destroyed and power interruption, I haven't even really enjoyed my birthday last October 28 because many of my friends were affected. The next day an earthquake happen and last night another typhoon struck, so I can't really think much because of this happenings.. But God always have mercy and thankfully nobody's harm 🤗🤗

So here's the new update, hope you enjoy reading.

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Heavy breathings and tongue fighting that creating sloppy sounds can be heard over the male restroom.

The younger is flushed red because of the older's assaulting hands. It's left hand is roaming to him body and the right hand is having it's way inside his pants cupping his butt cheek.

Yibo is coming out of breath and when Zhan notice it, his lips dive in the crook of the younger's neck. He gave small kisses and small bites, then he leave a red purple mark on it.

"AHHHHHHHHH!!", Yibo scream in pain and pleasure.

Zhan lick the place he mark and the younger squirm on it.


They were disturbed by a loud banging sound of the door. But the older ignored it and continue devouring the younger.

".. Nghhh Z-Zhan-ge... There's— Ahhhhhhh!!..", he haven't continue what he was saying when Zhan bit his earlobe.

"Just ignore it, babe," Zhan said in husky voice and start licking Yibo's earlobe.

Yibo whimpering by the pleasuring sensation that is given to him, but the door is keep banging from outside, so he slightly push Zhan away from him.

"Z-Zhan-ge there's s-someone outside."

The older got irritated and stop devouring the younger. He look at  Yibo who is a total mess right now and to his bulge that is pretty visible right now. He internally cursed the person outside that interrupt them. He fix their clothes, grab the younger to it's wrist and march towards the door.

When Zhan open the door, they were greeted by a cursing man but he just darted the man a deadly glare that give shiver to the other, making the man to step backwards. He then dragged Yibo to his parked car outside the amusement park.

The older open the passenger's door for the younger and run to the driver's seat.

"Where are we going, Zhan-ge?", - Yibo

"In our house.", said Zhan, buckle the younger's seatbelt and peck on it's lips.

Zhan stared driving to their house. Yibo thought that they're going to the house they used to live together, but the route they are taking is different.

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