Chapter 4

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A/N: I want to give Xiao Zhan's perspective so we can understand him more 😄 His POV starts from the day he and Yibo met again, so this chapter will take much longer than usual. Hope you enjoy reading. 😉

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Zhan's POV

I was tapping my fingers on the long table of the conference room. I was so bored waiting for Haikuan and the group he said that will endorse our new product. Maybe I'm just too early, but it's already my habit to attend meetings ten minutes beforehand. Minutes passed and I heard a knock of the door and Haikuan entered. I didn't even bother to greet him and he already used to it. He just give me his wide smile that always plastered to his face. I nod to him.

He gave me a while folder, saying that it includes the profile of the group endorser. I flipped it open. I saw the name 'UNIQ' on the first page. I turn to the next and it displays a group picture of five male's, but what got my attention is the blonde haired guy(A/N: Yibo is only blonde in their group picture here, but he colored his hair black before returning to China, so please don't be confuse). I widened my eyes after realizing who it was. Before I could recover, we heard another knock of the door.

Four people entered first then followed by two persons behind. The two last caught my attention, the the one is clinging to the other and had his head low. Scanning him from head to toe I already knew who he is. Remembering that I'm time, I can't help to felt betrayed but there's a part of me that is longing for him.

"Welcome everyone! I'm Lui Haikuan, CEO of Liu Corporation. By the way, this is Mr. Xiao Zhan my business partner and also the CEO of this company.", - Haikuan

After Haikuan introduce us, i saw him slowly lifting his head and he flinch after he saw me. After one and half years I saw him again, in unexpected situation. I didn't knew that he pursue his dreams of becoming an idol, and I think he's living happy now. While me, still being stuck to the past and can barely walk out.

I saw him tightened his grip to the other guy. I frowned. Is that the guy he replaced me? To be honest, I'm more handsome to that guy. But my frown turn to smirk, looking at the guy he's holding, I can say that the guy has no experience. I internally chuckle by that taught.

The meeting started and ended few hours later just like that without me knowing. On the meeting earlier, my eyes are looking at Haikuan and their manager, but my attention is on one person in the room. In my peripheral vision I always caught Yibo staring at me, giving that cute face with a hint shade of pink.

They bid their goodbye, Haikuan volunteer to walk them out, while I was left alone to the room. I dialed Zhuocheng's number. Cheng is my assistant and also best friend, even if we're always bickering. After three ring he picked up.

"Hel-", - Cheng. Before he finished talking I cut him off.

"Why didn't you tell me that he's one of the endorsers?"

"Because you didn't ask. And I already leave their profiles in your office last week, I think you didn't even bother to read it.", he plainly said.

I frowned remembering that he really leave it on my table, but I didn't troubled myself to check it because I know Haikuan won't chose a bad endorser. I cursed myself on doing that. I should have take a glance on it so I physically and mentally prepared myself. Out of frustration, I ended the call and decided to talk to him personally. Getting out of the room, I started to head on my office when suddenly, I heard a familiar voice calling my name.

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