chapter 5- Peeta

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The feeling of her next to me, holding my hand feels unreal but I know it is when she loosens her grip but I regain it and make up an excuse "please no, I might fall out of this thing!" I know that I'm not a good liar but she just smiles and goes back to waving and blowing kisses that I wish where at me. I turn back to the crowd and smile and wave on till were in the city circle. now that were all in the city circle Katniss'sgrip is a hole lot tighter and it feels like all the circulation in my hand has stopped but I don't care as long as I'm with Katniss and she looks so beautiful in flames. I just realize that President Snow is talking but I'm not going to listen because it's the same thing every year, I look to the T.V. and realize that we're getting more of show time then we're supposed to but they show the others quickly and then focus on us again, I guess they can't keep there eyes off us and now that its dark were more beautiful as ever! the chariot stars up again and I almost fall because I wasn't paying attain, but luckily I'm holding on to katniss or I really would of fell out. when we get in to the tribute building were engulfed by are prep team, Cinna and Portia take off are flaming capes and head dresses and distinguish them "you guys were such a hit!" says Effie.

katniss and I realize that were still glued together and we let go but are hands are sore "thanks for holding on to me I was getting shaky" I say

"well it didn'tshow. I doubt anyone noticed" Katniss says with a smile

"I doubt they didn't noticed anything but you" i say back with a smile and a touch of shyness that usually makes girls go nuts and I'm hopping that it works on her and I think it does because she goes on her tippie toes and kisses me right on the bruise that Haymitch gave me when he punched for knocking his glace out of his hand this morning and it kind of stings but her lips against my check feels so good :) then she walks away and I blush, Haymitch smiles at me because I told him on the train, well everyone knows but katniss, Haymitch told me I should tell her because maybe she would like me back and maybe we could at lest have a couple day together, but I'm to scared to tell her because what if she doesn't like me, what if I tell her and she gets freaked out. I don't know what to do! but I guess I should tell her, I will when the time is right. Effie tells Katnissto come with us to are floor to eat dinner and she says "bye" to her prep team and walks over to us, we get in to the elevator and it shoots up and you can see the people shrinking to ant size. when we get to 12th floor Effie tells us to go get washed up and meet her for dinner in 20 min and then shows us are rooms, and i imedelty jump in the shower to wash off the stupid make-up, I can't believe that they make guys wear this stuff. UGH! I can't find any soaps but I seen a button box thing and I look at the writing on it and it say shampoo, conditioner, body wash, body oil, sponges and other thinsand there's like 30 or more different scents of each, I randomly pick shampo, conditioner and body wash and sponge and I end up coming out smelling like roses and the sent is really strong and I cant get it off! how I'm I going to go out there smelling like a girl, katnissis going to think I'm a freak! UGH! stupid Capital! I guess I will have to deal with it and hopfully no one notices. Then I hear a knock at the door "Peeta hurry up dinners ready!" Effie shouts and I step out of the shower and big heater like thing drys me off, i guess they don't use towels in the Capitol. I walk over to the dresser and find simple pants, blue shirt, and a lite black jacket, this is something that I would wear back home and I don't bother to dry my hair, I just leave it messy and wet. I wake down to the dinning room and I get to the entrants at the same time as katniss does.

"There you two are!" yells Effie "you two are late!"

"Sorry Effie" I say and Katnissdoesn't say anything to her, she just sits down and starts eating, I wounder whats wrong with her. I take a seat next to her and smile as she looks at me and to my serprise she smiles back, she not the one to smile but today she is full of surprises. we all start to eat and the adults talk about are splash at the opening ceremonies and how the ever one in the Capitol loves us and the dangers ideas about the fire costumes.

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