chapter 3- Katniss

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This can't be happening I think to my self as Peeta and I walk off the stage, why me, I cant leave prim, not with my mother, what if she doesn't feed her and take care of her, Prim doesn't know how to hunt, I tried to teacher her but every animal I shot she cried and tried to save it and when she faild she cried even more, but she does know what plants to gather, she could go with Gale to help him gather plants and maybe she could teach Rory how to gather the plants too, so they can have triple the plants and maybe Gale could get them to climb the trees to get fruit or Prim could gather in the meadow behind the house. once we get to the Justice building, the peace keepers escorts us to different rooms so we could say good bye to are loved ones, but I'm not ready to face anyone right now.I look around the room, its completely decorated in velvet, I feel like I'm going to cry so I start running my fingers up and down the couch, I begin to calm down and my tears are gone, on till I see Prim and my Mother come in. Prim runs to me and starts crying, now my tears are really treating to spill, but they don't I have a half hour with them and we wont ever see each other again. My Mother looks at me and starts to cry ''I can't lose you! not like this! Not anyway!'' she screams at me and hugs me and since this well be the last time I see her I hug her back and Prim is in between us still crying. I feel bad for my Mother right now because she just lost my dad not to long ago and now me and i really feel bad now that I think about how I blocked her out of my life after my fathers death--- because when my father got killed in the mine explosion she sat on her bed doing nothing, we were fine at first because people gave us money for food and supplies but that ran out so i tried to sell thing and I had no luck, on till one day, i was so sick and we really need food, i dropped my stuff on the ground and when i went to pick them up a big group of people walked on them and got a bunch of mud and coal dust all over them and I didn't bother to pick the stuff up because who would want to by cloths with mud & coal dust all over them, so I left it there. I started to look in trash cans but found nothing, I wake by the bakery and the smell of fresh bread made me sick and made me feel like i was going to pass out, I waked over to the trash can and found nothing, then it starter to ran when i was about to put the lid back on, the bakers wife runs out ''get out you worthless thing!'' she pushes me hard and I fall to the ground when I try to get back up, I fall in a puddle I turn around and see a little boy with blond wavy hair and deep blue eyes he looked so scared ''get! GO! Before I call the peace keepers to come get you!'' she screams at me again I look away from the boy, get up and I run, as I run I here he say ''worthless, stupid, know good seam kid! What are you doing out here! your supposed to be watching the bread! Ugh are the kids worthless these days?!'' she yells and walks away. I go out to there back yard and slid down the trunk out the tree, I couldn't go home with nothing. Then I look at the window and see that the boy burned the bread and his mother slapped him across the face with something I don't know the name of. He walks out of the building with 3 loaves of bread he starts to rip the first loaf of bread and gives it to the pigs he turns around and walks over to me, I look up and hes right in front of me, he offers me a hand and helps me up I stare in to his beautiful blue eyes he hands me then other 2 breads, I look down at it, when i look up he already started to walk away I was going to run after him but I just looked confused for a minute and i start to run home but as i run by the window i see him looking at me and she smiles. that night we ate allot and still had one and a half pieces of bread left for latter on, the bread was delicious it had barries and nuts in it. at school I was going to say thank you to Peeta but I couldn't find him, after school I looked behind me and I seen him staring at me I looked in to his eyes and smiled, then Prim pulled on my arm and I looked away, as i looked away i seen a dandylion ans right then I know that we where saved, that I could study my mothers plant book for plants that we could eat, and if I had the nerve to go in to the woods I could hunt and we are saved.---- Are 30 minutes are almost up, I looked up to my mothers eyes ''Mom you cant leave prim not now, Gale will bring food for you two and give him some goat milk or cheese or something in return!'' I yell at her and I look to prim ''go in to the woods with Gale and gather plants tell Gale to take Rorry with you and teach him what plants to gather and what not to, but don't get in Gales way of hunting and if your to scared to go deep in the woods at least gather in the meadows ok?'' I say to her then I hug them both '' I love you, I love you both!''

hunger games- Katniss, Peeta and Gale's storyWhere stories live. Discover now