chapter 2----- peeta

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I wake up to my mother yelling at me to wake up, i roll over to look at the clock and see that its 8:00, i jump out of bed and get dressed as fast as i can and start to run down the stairs when my mother stops me '' PEETA!!! go make your bad and pick up you P.J's off the floor!'' I run back up the stairs, to go clean up when my mother yells a me again ''hery up Peeta!!! your dad needs your help'' wow she's in a really bad mood today. i just wish for one day that she could be nice for once, well she nice to my other brothers but not me i don't really get why but oh well. When I'm done i run down stairs and my dad and I have an hour to bake enough bread and such for all the peoples need and since today of the reaping every one wants to have a nice dinner, well if their children didn't get pick, but everyone else has a big dinner in releaf that their child didn't get picked. my dad is always in a happy mood unlike my mother and just says good morning to me and we get to work by the time its 9:00 we have more then enough bread and other goods to feed 2 towns for 2 weeks.

''Peeta what or who are you looking for?'' my dad asks.

''Ummmm. no one. just..... Ummmm.......'' i say trying to avoid a tricky and uncomfortable topic ''Peeta you know you can tell me anything. who are you looking for?,'' my dad says. I begin to smile and blush when i see her walk in on till i see him enter after her. ''Oooh i know who now. you know there not going out there just really good friends. go and talk to her.''

''But what am I supposed to say, i never talked to her before and plus I don't even think she would want to talk to me, she doesn't really talk to anyone but Gale, her sister and Madge. you Katniss isn't like her mother dad.'' i say as i start to frown, then i see her look at me with her beautiful grey eyes and she smiling and i realize this is the first time i seen her smile since her father got killed in a mine accident, then i see her walking toward me but realize that she just coming to pay for the bread and she says something to my father and walks away. i stare at her on till i cant see her anymore and I realize my mothers pushing me towered the stairs ''go get on your reaping clothes on Peeta! we have to be their in 20 minutes'' she say

''oh sorry mother I was just. Umm'' i say because she doesn't know that I'm in love with Katniss or at less i don't think she does, she doesn't like me liking he seam kids with is the part of district 12 wear the poor and coal miners work.

''i know you like her Peeta. you can't hid things from me. just don't get to know her or else you will end up heart broken if she ends up in the game'' she says and give me a look. I would be heart broken either way because i pretty much know everything about her even we haven't really ever talk and my only wish is that she would love me back. When i get up to my room i see my mother has pick out clothes for me, simple black pants,lite blue shirt and a black jacket. i put on my reaping clothes and put my other cloths in the laundry and make sure that every thing is clean. When i walk of my room I see my brother Quinten has put on hes reaping clothes hes only a year older than me but we hardly ever talk and my oldest brother is always gone and i only see him at dinner and then he sits in his room for the rest of the night and he never really talks to anyone and hes like my mother.

''i seen you staring at katniss again. Why don't you just talk to her. oh wait  because no one likes you! haha,'' Quinten says. when he says that, he really makes me feel bad although everyone is my friend.''oh I'm sorry i didn't mean it that way and by the way yesterday when I walked by your class I seen katniss staring at you and see was kind of blushing until you turned around and you startled her and see started talking to Madge again''

''it's ok, and by the why i bet your lying, she don't like me and she never will" then i walk off my brother in a mix of my mother and my father, it weird though because he'll be mean one minute and kind the next.I walk down stairs and my mother and father gives us both a kiss and hug says good luck and we walk to the town square.

when we get there allot of people are already there waiting, i find my self in a big group of 16 year olds and katniss is right in front of me I have a urge to poke her and talk to her but I'm to shy to talk to her but i can still think of best friend startles me when he comes up beside me ''Oh. Hey, Ty.'' i say some people think that we are brothers because be have the same blond hair and blue eyes but we aren't related ''hey! Peeta'' he says after a long pause. I feel bad for him because his family has really bad luck, his mom had his sister Iris at 16 and him at 18 and when his mother was pregnant with him his dad got picked and died and just 3 years ago when Iris got pick and killed, so I really hope he doesn't get picked. but I'm still scared for katniss and me although my chance is really slime. ''good luck Ty and I'm sorry'' ''thank you, you too, Peeta'' he says back with i sad smile on his face.Then the district 12's escort, Effie Trinket walks on to the stage and the mayor starts talking about who now what because no one and i mean NO one listens to what he saying, i just day dream about Katniss and wish that she could love me back or talk to me of something and all of a suddenly here ''Primrose Everdeen!''

and right then katniss sort of falls back and Ty catches her i shoot him a look because i would have caught her on till he jumped in front of me, then she realizes something and runs forward and i just remember that Primrose is Katniss's sister and she would do any thing to save her. then it hits me Katniss is going in the games! I hope my name gets picked so i can save her and get her home even if it mean my death, i don't really know what happens on till I here ''Peeta Mellark!''

I get confused and start looking around and the someone pushes me forward an i realize that my name got pick! I walk up to the stage and take my place next to katniss and i think to my self that this just a really good piece of luck even though i will end up dead,but at least i will get to talk to her.Effie ask for volunteers for me but there no takers .well the mayor reads something i just keep thinking of how to save katniss and then after the anthem plays Katniss and I shake hands ,and it feels as if I got hit by lightning, the spark I felt between us felt so really and i wonder if she felt it too.

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