chapter 4- Gale

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I wake up screaming and I see that I woke up everyone in my house, their all standing around me and prim is sitting on my bed hugging me. Prim and her mother are staying at my house, we would of stayed at there house but its to small to fit my family and them 2 and because we have a basement with extra beds because we used to rent them to people on till they found a better place to live and are house is the biggest Seam house. I rap my arms around prim and she starts to cry again "she's going to make it home prim, don't worry.'' i don't really know why I'm saying this because I was the one who just woke up screaming."if you want you can sleep with me tonight prim'' I say to her knowing that it will help me more then it will for her. "she would of slept with her mom but because all the beds are to small she couldn't I told them they can sleep in my bed but they didn't want me to give up my bed because I already gave up so much but really I don't feel like I gave up anything in fact I didn't I just asked If they could stay here.

"really?!" prim says with a big smile on her face "can I"

"yes, really! why do you think I asked?" i say and I tickle her and she starts to laugh. I don't remember that the others are there until Rory sits down at the end of my bed. I stop tickling Prim because she starts to hiccup and Rory laughs at her and then gives her a hug, when he hugs her she starts to blush. I know this can't be good because if they started to date,I wouldn't get to date Katniss, but as long as there happy, so am I. When they break apart Rory smiles at me "you know you can sleep in my bed tonight, its bigger then Gale's" he says. I look at him and role my eyes and he begins to blush.

"umm. not to night but maybe tomarrow, i want to sleep with Gale because he looks like he needs someone to confort him" Prim says somewhat shyly.

"okay, well good night then" Rory says, then kisses her on the check, shoots me a look and walks out of the room and Prim just sits there smiling and blushing, then lies down beside me. that's when I realize that everyone left my room.

I wounder what Katniss is doing right now or if she could fall asleep or if she's up talking to that stupid Peeta Mellark kid, I really don't like him, and I don't like him even more that hes with Katniss and they both like each other and even though they probably haven't told each other yet , he could kiss her any time.

suddenly I have a Idea for tomorrow, I could take Prim and Rory to a small log cabin my father and I found when I was about 7, its down by a lake and takes a long time to get to but its worth it because you can go swimming and have fun, then after you can make up the lost time by fishing and there's allot of wild life, plants and bird nest and I think that there are some apple, orange and other fruit trees and bushes there, we could spend the whole day there and still have enough food for the whole week. Ya that's what where going to do tomorrow. I fall in to a deep sleep that seams endless, Katniss getting killed but people and mutts in the hunger game and Katniss and Peeta kissing and flirting, Ugh.

when I wake up its still dark and its 4:30 in the morning, I get dressed and I pack up bathing suits for the 3 of us, i take one of my mothers old bathing suits that my mother made one day because she got bored, and it looks like it would fit Prim, I pack a few snacks for us and couple bottles of water. I get clothes ready for Prim and Rory and wake them up, you can tell that they want too go back to sleep but i tell them if they want to come with me they have to get up now and they get up right away. by the time were ready its 4:00 am and we head out. when we get to the fence we listen to it to see if it's on but it's silent , I get under first and they fallow behind. It takes about 2 hours before we got to the camp and Its still as beautiful as I remember, I don't know why I didn't take Katniss here, she would of loved it.

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