Chapter 7- Gale

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Sorry it took so long to write this but I had alot of school work to do..... PLZZZ comment, like and fan me!!!!!!! THANK YOU FOR READING and I hope you like it!!!!!!!!!!!


I wake up to the sound of birds, I have slept through the night for the first time in a week, with prim and the others 3 curled up around me, we put the 3 biggest beds on the floor in the basement because non of the kids wants to sleep alone and I guess everyone sleeps better knowing that there's someone beside you. Everyone is still asleep, Prim and Rory are snuggled together, they look so cute together, Vick and Posy are on the other side of me, looking younger then ever. I wounder what Katniss is doing right now, hanging out with Peeta, sleeping, getting ready, who knows. I look out the window, can it only be 4 days ago that Katniss and I were out in the woods, hunting, it feels like a hole different world, that katniss isn't in, sadly, it breaks my heart for Katniss not to be here. I have to go in to the woods alone now, I'm not taking Prim and Rory anymore, after Prim got attacked, I'm to scared to go in to the woods with them, so I go in to the woods and the kids pick pants in the meadow before the fence, Prim has taught the other 3 what they can pick and what they can't. I told Prim and Rory that I would take them in to the woods soon, but only to go pick fruit and plants and there not going to go very far in the woods. Prim doesn't seem to care about the attack, but I do and I know that Katniss would hate me if I did anything to hurt prim or if I let anything happen to her.

I get out of bed carefull not to wake anyone, I walk up stars and go get dressed, today I'm not going hunting, but to go around to see if anyone needs clothes to be washed and to see if the Mayor would have any jobs that I could do for extra money or something. I need money to help out Katniss, the Hob is razing money for her and the bread boy, the Mayor knows about it and he stops in every day to give money, hes not supposed to because its only supposed to be a hob thing, but allot of people found out and come over to give money for Katniss, but since we got so much money already and the games haven't started yet, they added the boy to.

I know they don't really need anymore money but what if she needs something expensive, she  going to needs more support and plus not allot of people sponsor district 12 because were the poorest District in all of Panem but maybe they will change there minds because they seemed to love Katniss and Peeta at the  opening ceremonies. I walk out of the house and I go to the ritcher part of the District to get the Landry. By the time I get to the 20 houses my mother wanted me to go to, I got 6 garbage bags full of Landry for my mother to wash. I drop off the Landry at home and I run to the Mayors house. I knock on the door and Madge answers "Hello Gale, looking for a job?"

"Ya, how did you know?" I ask

"Most people's families come to ask for a job to support them and Mrs. Everdeen got a job, she said it was to keep her busy, but my Dad knows how much pain she was in and they used to be best friends, so he hired her to take care of my Mother because she's been getting really sick lattly'' Madge says "Come on in"

"Thanks, so what kind of jobs would I be able to help out with" I ask

"Well, My dad needs someone to organize things, strawberry picker and a new cleaner." She says

"Okay, I could do all of them if he wants'' I say

"Oh no, he wont let anyone over work them selves" She says

"Okay," I say wanting to know why. We walk up to the second floor to where her Fathers study is, Madge knocks lightly and opens the door.

"Hello Daddy, Gale is hear to see you" Madge says and lets me in.

"Hello" Mr. Undersees says to me.

"Hello Mr.Undersees, Um I would like to know if there is anything I could do for you?" I say

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2011 ⏰

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