chapter 6- Katniss

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sorry I haven't up loaded in a long time I just couldn't think of anything to write.... hope you like it please vote comment and fan!!!!!!!


Peeta sits beside me and smiles, I give him a small smile back and we eat for about 10 minutes be for Haymitch says "Okay, here's what I want you two to do when training, you two need to seem like best friends and do you guys want to be coached separately?''

''why would we need to be coutched sepertly?'' i say

"incase you have a secret ability you don't want the other to know" Haymitch says

''we don't have secerts, he knows everything I can do'' I say and Peeta nods

''Okthen, I all ready know that your handy with a knife, Katniss, what can you do Peeta?" he Haymitch says.

"nothing," peeta says " I cant do nothing but bake and ice''

"What! your strong, I seen you in the market carrying 100 pound bags of flour!" i say

''ya, and the arena is going to be full of flour bag, for me to through at people! he yells back.

''so that's, still something!" i yell

"so what about you, you can shoot a squirrel through the eye and bring it down in one shot!"

''well, you-'' i say and get cut off by by Peeta "can do nothing, I can do nothing!'' he shouts

"he came in second in the school wrestling competition, he only lost to he older brother!'' I say to Haymitch "that's not nothing''

"when do you ever see anyone wrestle to the death!?'' he asks.

"well if you have a knife, you could win!'' i say

"STOP IT! just stop it you too!" Haymitch screams

"I'm sorry Haymitch, but he- never mind" I say and walk out of the room

"Katniss get back in here!" Haymich screams at me. I turn on my heals and walk back in.

''listen Katniss, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, that I yelled at you" Peeta says, then stands up and hugs me, I step back for a second but then hug him back because that's what friends do and this might be the only time I get to hug him. his arms are so steady, so strong, so worm.

"It's ok" I say and we let go of each other and sit down and Hamitchlooks at both of us and says "Ok then, go to the elevator and wait for Effie she should be there any minute"

And with that we go to the elevator to wait and it seems so long before she comes but when I look at the clock it only took 2 minutes. "Well, are you guys existed for your first training session?'' Asks Effie

"Not really" Peeta answers

"Why not its so existing!" Effie says

"Effie, its not when your us" I whisper

"Why not, you get to participate in the biggest thing in Panem!" Effie say confused

"you don't get it Effie!" Peetascreams and we get in to the elevator without a word after. it takes less then 30 seconds to get to the training senator and its exactly 10 O'clock and were the last ones here, but the minute we step out someone pins a piece of paper withthe number 12 on it. We join the circle and the instructor starts to talk about things and I really don't care right now because I'm thinking of last night with Peeta, I should have told him that I liked him and Gale, but I got to scared and panicked, then said Ty, his best friend, but what does it matter, he likes Madge not me. she stops talking and I'm kind of confused and don't know what were doing but Peeta shakes my arm and asks me where I want to go first "how about knots?" I say

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