First Day of Classes and New Encounters

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TW: Pills

As the four of them stumbled out of the rooms and all looked at each other, Virgil and Roman turned dark red and quickly ran back into there rooms causing the two others to snicker "Well there reactions have metaphorically made my morning much better" Logan side while following Patton to the bathroom, gladly taking the pain killers the other handed to him

"Yep. I'm just glad I have afternoon classes today." Logan hummed and nodded, using his knowledge of sign language to say me to as he took the pills. Patton smiled and took his own and went back down the hall, putting his shoes on "I'm gonna go to the kitchen to see what they have for food. Want to join?" Patton gave Logan a friendly smile.

Logan hummed and slipped on his shoes "I suppose it wouldn't hurt. We should go ask the other two though" Patton nodded and went into Virgils room while Logan went into Romans. Both of them being met with red faces, gay panic and a lot of yelling to get out making them laugh again "Guess they're not hungry" Logan shrugged, Patton nodded, still laughing as he closes Virgils door, blocking a pillow that was being thrown at him by the emo.

"They're just to gay and flustered to register what's happened" Logan and Patton chuckled, walking out of their dorm, down to the kitchen for their floor. They both got a bowl of cereal and sat on the couch in the large common room. Patton turned on the tv and put on something random as they ate. Both of them enjoying the comfortable silence that was in the air. After a few minutes they both went back up to their dorm to see Virgil out of his room, his neck that was once covered in hickeys was now free of any marks. The dramatic one of the four though was still hiding in his room.

Virgil slung his bag over his arm and put a purple lollipop in his mouth, he was wearing black ripped skinny jeans with fishnets underneath, a purple ripped shirt, combat boots and his hoodie he wore when he first arrived. His eyes were covered with sparkly purple eyeshadow on the top and black on the bottom, he had eye liner that could cut a bitch and glossy black lips "I'm going to my first class. See ya nerds" He waved and walked out, closing the door behind himself right as Roman walked out his neck also rid of marks but he was still in his pjs 

"Is he gone..?" Patton giggled and nodded while Logan just rolled his eyes and sat on the couch, flipping back to the page he stopped on the other night. Roman sighed "Thank the gods" Roman flopped onto the couch dramatically with a loud, uneed sigh "The first day we meet and I make out with him, gods  what's wrong with me"

"Well he made out with you to, plus he began giving you hickeys first so its not like he was physically or verbally saying he didn't enjoy it so" Patton giggled and shrugged, his words making Roman flush a deep red and whine, hiding in one of the couch pillows "It was hilarious to say the least." Patton poked at Romans side making the other whine again and hit his hand.

"You're being overdramatic Roman" Logan glanced at the other two, Patton still poking and ticking at Romans side making the taller laugh and giggle, squirming off the couch and running from the happy, bubbly man. Logan just sighed and went back to reading, a small ghost of a smile on his lips, maybe this roommate thing wouldn't be as bad as he originally thought.


Virgils POV:

I sighed as I flopped down in the seat of my first class art, my lollipop almost finished but I wasn't to worried, I literally had a huge bag of a bunch of them in my bag, it helped with my anxiety, gave me something to distract myself with, it didn't help a lot of the times but who doesn't like lollipops. I watch different types of people walk through the door, some giving me looks while others are talking to someone else or busy with something more important. I began to lose focus, thinking about other things before the classroom door was slammed open making me jump out of my skin "Who the fu-"

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