First Day of Classes and New Encountors Prt 2

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Logan sighed as he walked down the halls, fixing his hair and tie every five seconds even though he looked fine. He hummed and messed with a bracelet on his wrist, he wasn't much of a person to wear jewelry but this one thing was important to him, this was one of the things his twin brother gave him before they were split. He and his twin lived at an orphanage when they were young but then they were split up. He hated he had to leave him alone but Logan couldn't do much. He just hopes he's happy and safe.

Logan was brought out of his thoughts when he walked into his class, there was someone standing on the teachers desk, yelling, coffee in hand, a huge black scarf around his neck with a black long sleeve and a black long skirt that went down to their ankles. They were yelling at everyone to move around the room and make everything 'Perfect'. Logan just rolled his eyes and sat in the front by the door, so when class is over he could leave quickly and not interact with anyone, unfortunately though the person that was yelling at everyone hopped off the desk and strutted over to him. Logan ignored them until they slammed both their hands onto his desk making him jump and look up at them with a glare. "What's your name?" They glared at him through their sunglasses and took a sip of their coffee.

Logan opened his mouth to say something but they quickly interrupted him "Nevermind. Don't care. I'll call you nerd. Now nerd go help the others, I want this room to look perfect before the teacher comes back" They turned around and walked off expecting Logan to listen to them but he didn't, he just opened up his lap top and began doing some work making the other stand still and turn around. "Excuse me. Did you not hear what I said, Nerd."

Logan stayed silent, not looking up from his laptop as he continued typing. The other scoffed and stomped his foot "Jerk!" He huffed and stormed off like a toddler having a fit. Logan just sighed and went back to work. Ignoring all the commotion coming from around him. Finally after another ten minutes the teacher came in and began the class, Logan writing down notes and correcting him when needed.

After that class Logan went onto his next. Unfortunately the same person was in that class.

It's going to be a long day..


Pattons POV

I slid on my crocks with a hum. It was around noon and I was getting ready for my first class. I was wearing a light blue skirt with white lace flowers decorating the bottom, a white shirt tucked into it with rainbows on the sleeves, I had white thigh high socks with rainbows on the top and blue crocks. My hair was held back with a headband and some hair clips and on my wrist were a few bracelets. I stand up and grab my bag before heading out of the dorms and skipping to my first class. Fashion design.

I walk into the class and sit at one of the seats, looking around I see a few girls here and there talking to each other. I smile a bit seeing a few pride pins on some bags and hoodies, but I also feel glares coming from behind me. I slowly turn and see a few guys glaring at me, I spin back around and gulp. Great. This will just be highschool all over again. I pay attention to the teacher, lucky since its the first day she didn't give any big assignments. Just to make an article of clothing by next week and have someone wear it. Piece of cake. I go to a more quiet area of the room and begin a few sketches. I already know I want to ask one of my roommates to do it I just have to see who will say yes, make the article of clothing something they'd wear and then, done!

Once class was over I quickly leave, already knowing those guys are behind me I start to walk to the theater, knowing Roman and Virgil will hopefully be there. I open the doors and smile seeing Roman and Virgil acting out a scene on the stage, only two other people in the audience, their class must've ended already. I hear the door open behind me and quickly rush over to the others.

"Roman! Virgil!" They both look at me and look to wear those other guys are. They both quickly jump off the stage, Virgil coming up to me and Roman going to the other guys with one of the other people from the audience.

"Are you alright Patton? Did those guys do anything?" Virgil looked me over nervously

"Yes and no. I ran here right after class." I give him a small smile and pat his head. I look other to Roman and the other person seeing them walk back from the doors.

"They didn't put up to much of a fight but they definitely were after Pat. What happened to make those guys come after you?" Roman looked at me and I just shrugged

"Just some homophobic assholes." I set down my bag and sit. "So what were you guys practicing?" I look up at Roman and Virgil with a smile

"Oh, the teach said we had to come up with a short skit with a group so me and Roman are practicing" Virge sat on the edge of the stage, his sleeves rolled up so we could see a few tattoos on his wrists and some going up his arms.

"Oooooo! Show me!" I swing my feet in the chair. Virgil giggled and got all the way on the stage, Roman following. The other two people staying in the audience with me. They began their scene, I wasn't too surprised when it started out with Roman rescuing Virgil. Calling him a princess and a damsel in distress. Virgil huffing as he blushed, pouting and yelling at Roman every time he did. I just giggled with Emile, as me and her talked and gossiped. Remy listening and jumping in every now and then but mostly laughing and making fun of Virgil and Roman as they flirted.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2020 ⏰

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