My Harry

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(Draco's POV)
      Quidditch pratice was starting up and I knew Harry was wanting to do it. I was scared that he would fall. That and I was on the Slytherin team and we would be going against each other. But he wanted to go so I told him that I would be there since we can't be apart. He agreed and we went to the field. When the his teammates saw me they were shocked and wasn't liking the idea of me being there.
      "Don't worry guys Draco isn't going to tell his teammates what we are doing." Harry said holding my hand.
      "We know but it's still very weird for him to be here." Ron said looking at me.
      "You promise not to tell Dray?" Harry said looking at me.
      I knew he would be upset if my team won because I told them, but I wasn't going to because I wasn't in the Slytherin common room to tell and I couldn't do that to my mate.
      "Of course Love. I would never tell my team about your practice." I say as I pull Harry to me and he was still facing his team.
      They just looked at each other and nod their heads. Then everyone got on their brooms and went up in the air. I looked up and watched Harry the whole time. Then he flies to me and was looking at me up-side-down. 

(See pictures above)

      "Harry you might want to go back to your spot." I say.
      "I want a kiss first."
      I let out a sigh and give him a quick on the lips. When I pull away he smiles more and goes back in his spot. I watch them fly in the air and a few times I was about to fly into the air to save Harry but his teammates made sure that he was. When they were done with practice me and Harry went back to our room and he was changing into his school robes.
      "You were good out there Harry." I say.
      "Yeah...but I only do it because I loved the feeling of being up in the air. I just feel free."
      I smile at this and he told me that he was going to see Hermione and Ron for a little bit. I said that was okay and he left. I didn't like that he was gone but I knew that he wanted to see them without me there. I was about to leave the room when I hear the door being knocked on. I walk up to the door and open it see Ron's sister.
       "'re Ron's sister right...Ginny?"
       "Yes and I wanted to say that you and Harry a very cute couple. I did have  crush on him but I see that he's happy and that all I ever wanted. He's your Harry and all I wanted to say is if you hurt him in any kind of way then me, Hermione and Ron will hurt you." she says with a smile.
      I just started at her and then she walks away. When she's gone all I could think about was her words and the one part that was replaying in my head.
      'He's you Harry'
I start to smile to myself and knew that she was right. He was my Harry and no one was going to change that.

(Harry's POV)
      I was in the Gryffindor tower with Ron and Hermione and they were doing their homework. Ron was quiet and Hermione was asking me about Draco being at the practice.
      "Everyone wasn't okay with it, but they eventually let him stay and I-"
      "Harry flew to him, he was up-side-down and didn't move until Draco kissed him and then he flew back in his spot." Ron says without looking up.
      I feel my face heat up and Hermione was squeeling.
      "I still don't see what you see in that snake."
      "I'm being real here Hermione...Draco was nothing but mean to Harry and know he's being nice!! I mean come on-"
       Then I threw a book at Ron and left the room

(No ones POV)
      Ron was looking at Harry and then looked at Hermione who was shaking her head.
      "Ron were you not paying attention when I was telling you about veelas mates?"
      "I-I guess not."
      "Ron...if you say something bad about the veela to their mate they will be angry but be glade it wasn't Draco because you more unlikely be dead by now."
      Ron's face heats up and goes back to work. Ron was glade that it wasn't Draco and was going to make sure to not talk bad about them being together again. Just to keep himself from dying.

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