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Kaleen closed the door behind her walking into the lounge, dropping her keys on the telephone stand. He stood at the window, just as she remembered him. 'Justin.'

He looked at her. 'I wish you'd call me Sandman. It always sounded so sexy coming from you.'

'Why are you here? I thought you were in prison.'

'Day release.'

'So, why are you here?'

'To see my son.'

'Is that such a good idea?'

'He asked me to see him.'


'A while back, but I guess he never told you.'

'No he didn't.'

'Where is he?'

'At school.'

'I'll wait then.'

'He's six Justin why now?'

'Because you ignored every damn fucking visiting order that I ever sent you.'

'Do you know how long it took me too get over you?'

'Not long.'

'Too long.'

'And Mark?'

'We're still friends. He picks Phoenix up from school so that I can get sorted before he comes back.'

He spread his hand across the wall. 'When I get released it will just be us, all of us.'

'He'll be sixteen by them Justin.'



'Promise you'll wait for me.'


'Promise me.'

'I promise.'

He edged forward the door closed Phoenix ran into the lounge Sandman moved away from Kaleen.


'Champ.' He said picking him up. 'so how is school?'


'So where's..'

'Who the hell let you in?'

Sandman looked at Mark though a lot older than he cared to remember he was still a dick. 'The landlord talk about thick,I spun him a yarn about forgetting my keys dumb fuck.'

'You are not welcome.'

'I promised Phoenix I'd see him.'

He looked at Kaleen. 'Kay?'

'I'm sorry Mark.'

'I'll see you tomorrow.'



'Bye Mark.'

He turned looking dead at Sandman. Storming of slamming the flat door shut. 'Well fuck me!'


'What's his fucking problem? You two still aint at it are you?'

'No. he was just shocked to see you that's all.'

'So it's cool if I spend time with Phe then?'


He smiled pecking her on the cheek.

Candice closed the door behind her the five and six year old ran towards the lounge. 'Kieran, Ashleigh.'

They skidded as they entered the lounge. Candice walked in his dreads hung over his face. 'Ice.'

He looked at her his eyes cut through his hair. 'What are you doing here?'

'I've come to see Ashleigh, unless you have a problem with that?'

'Yes I do we talked about this.'

'No you talked I listened.'

'Where's Justin?'

'Sandy's with your sister right now keeping his promise to the little man in his life.'


'She obviously didn't try hard enough like you.' He looked dead at her. 'So can I see my daughter, or not?'

'Guess so now you're here.'

He walked forward Ashleigh and Kieran backed behind Candice. 'It's okay honey this is your father.'

She looked up at the dread locked male he looked a little scary, he knelt down. 'It's finally nice to put a face to a picture.' He looked at Kieran. 'Andwho's this?'

'This is Kieran.'

'Broaden's kid?'


'Well nice to meet you I'm Ashleigh's father I hope I can get to know you both.'

'I don't know Ice it's not a good idea.'

He cut his eyes at Candice. 'Let them visit me Candice.'

'What about Broaden?'

'What about him? We'll be watched, so what do you say.'


He smiled.

Sandman walked out of Phoenix's room after tucking him in and reading him a story.

Kaleen looked at him. 'It's been good today babe, but I have to go my ride's waiting.'


He pressed his lips on hers kissing her hungrily. He moved away. 'Tell Phe I'll send him a visiting order.'


'I'd like to see you too.'


'Remember your promise to me Kay.'

'I will.'

He kissed her cheek. 'Soon.'

She smiled opening the door. He kissed her check walking out the flat she closed the door walking back into the younger looking out of the window; he looked up getting into the car.

'Well I guess I'll see you soon Candice.'

'I guess.'

'The visiting order will be in the post okay.'


'I don't expect you to wait for me so just promise me one thing.'


'Be happy.'

'I will.'

'Tell the kids I'll see them soon.'

'I will.'

He pressed his lips on hers kissing her. He moved away. 'Soon babe.' She smiled as he walked out getting into the car he smiled as the car pulled away.

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