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Kelley slowly opened her eyes she felt a little better than she had for the last four days though she still had a sickly felling, she had to get back home and find out why she was feeling like this. She looked at Ice; his tattooed arm lay over her she had to stop this now and get out of there while she had the chance to. She slipped from under Ice dressing, slipping into her trainers. Pulling herself up off the bed, she looked at Ice tip toeing across the room to the motel room door. She looked at Ice one last time before opening the door, he stirred yet lay sleeping with no intention of waking. She turned back slipping out of their room closing it silently behind her. She looked around the woodland where had he parked the car?

She panicked he'd know she'd gone if she didn't get out of there quickly. She looked around the woodland where could she go, where was the car?

Ice turned his hand spreading across the bed. 'Kelley.'

His eyes sprung open after she failed to reply. 'Kelley?' He said pulling himself up, no reply where the hell was she? He leaped off the bed dressing frantically almost falling to the floor slipping into his trainers. 'Kelley?' He shouted searching for her. 'Shit.' He grabbed the keys and fled out of their room into the woodland. Maybe just maybe she was sitting on the benches like she had done so many times before. He called her as he searched the sitting area. Kelley continued running through the woodland becoming more and more lost it all looked the same to her. Though she hoped the reception wasn't too far away and she'd hopefully find the car there. She caught her breath before continuing on her quest to get out of there and back home.

She'd tried to run so many times before would this be another un-successful attempt or would she make it to the road before Ice found her?

She ran faster tears flying off her face as he ran after her. He grabbed her she looked at him her eyes blood shot, his full of anger and betrayal. 'Why did you run Kelley?'

'I can't do this.'

'Do what?'

'This, us.'

'Why not?'

'I love Kieran.'

'You promised me Kelley.'

'I know.'

'Ash is your friends don't let her down.'

'I'm not.'

'You are. You can't keep running when you can't deal with how I feel about you.'

'I'm sorry Ice. It can't go on I love Kieran I can't betray him anymore.'

'Please Keels Ash will be pleased to see you.'

'He won't.'

'Fuck him Keels he didn't give two fucks about anyone when he took her away.'

'It has to end Ice.'

'No it doesn't.'

'Please Ice.'

'Stop running. I'll always find you Kelley, please do this for Ash, not me.'

'I can't.'

'You can. Come on seen as you're feeling better we can hit the road.'

'Bu.. .'

He pulled her away getting into the car heading back to the room where he acquired their luggage throwing it into the boot closing the motel room doo locking it wheel spinning away. He stopped outside the reception handing the key in, pulling away the tyres smoking, screeching. He looked at Kelley who looked scared. He squeezed her leg. 'It's going to be okay.'

Her  Tears Don't FallWhere stories live. Discover now