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Ten years on

It's the ninth of September, college has just begun. Ashleigh and Phoenix have just begun there first year of A levels and are yet to meet.

Ashleigh makes friends easily, so does Phoenix, but their truths are well hidden. With Justin and Mackenzie in prison they have no idea who the other really is. Kaleen and Candice had gone their separate ways when Ashleigh and Phoenix had turned four

thinking it was for the best them, to never know who the other was. Now they were at the same college and were soon to meet, but would either of them find out the other's deep dark secret?

Ashleigh sat in the cafeteria, a tall dark haired boy, with blond high lights, piercing blue eyes walked over to her. 'Sorry I couldn't help but notice you were on your own may I?'


Phoenix smiled sitting down opposite Ashleigh 'I'm Phoenix.'


'So what are you studying?'


'Electronics, well that and Mechanics.'

She smiled.

'So do you fancy doing something this weekend?'


He smiled. 'Shall I pick you up?'

'I'll meet you in town at eleven okay.'

'It's a date.'

He placed his hand on hers. 'I hope we can be so much more than friends.'

He leaned forward placing his lips on hers kissing her. His friends Wolfe whistled. He pulled away, taking his hand off hers. 'Saturday don't forget.'

I won't.'

He slipped off the chair and walked back over to his friends who patted him on the back as they walked away. A dragon he bared on his coat.

'Who was that?'

Ashleigh looked up. 'Oh Kelley that was Phoenix.'

'He's hot.'

'I know.'

'So what did he want?' she asked sitting down.

'For me to go on a date with him.'

'I hope you said yes.'

'Of course.'

'Go girl men like that don't come round that easily.'

They drank their coffees and pulled themselves up off the chairs.

'Well I'll talk to you later Ash.'


'Tell me how the date goes.'

'Will do.'

They walked away in their separate directions.

Ashleigh walked out of college in a world of her own. 'Ash wait!'

She turned and smiled.

Phoenix joined her out of breath. 'I thought I'd missed you, Coeb said he saw you ten minutes ago.'

'It takes five to get out the maze of corridors.'

'Yeah I know.'

He finally caught his breath. 'Any way I was wondering if we could go somewhere now if that's okay with you? If there's no hurry for you to get back home.'

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